We really do need Sunshine: The 2014 Swedish... - Thyroid UK

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We really do need Sunshine

Spareribs profile image
32 Replies

The 2014 Swedish study is still bantered about on Social media & Science now, Science Academy etc. old news,   " Avoiding the sun worse than smoking"  

I shall spare everyone the adverts... here's pubmed instead:-



Although Spring is a little late in starting this year, it may have finally arrived! 

(Vitamin D my favourite subject and I'm a grumpy hibernating bear without it!) 

I think we should be used to sunshine after 6 million years, even the flies are sunbathing.

Anyone remember the suncream we used to wear as kids?

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Spareribs profile image
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32 Replies
marram profile image

No, I don't remember the sun cream we used to wear as kids!  

I remember being really brown all summer though.  Mind you, we got used to the sun gradually because we did not spend 95% of our lives gazing at a TV or smartphone screen and 5% of our lives sweltering and burning under a tropical sun on holiday. We went out and played, whatever the weather. 

Interestingly, I remember reading years ago that the Swedish would go out 'sun gazing' - with eyes closed - as soon as it reappeared after the short winter days.  I do the same.  

Why don't we just stop listening to all the clever clogs who tell us to stop doing what mankind has been doing for thousands of years, and just keep on doing what comes naturally?

Well, the sun is just getting ready to pop his little head up, so I plan to get my jobs done and get out there and gaze at him!

By the way, LOVE the smiley sun! 

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to marram

Did they even have sunscreen when you and I were kids??? lol Don't remember it. Don't think my mother would have considered it necessary, anyway. But I agree, we did spend a lot of time outside. Both playing and walking everywhere - didn't have a car and buses were expensive. Lots of exercise and lots of sun. :) 

marram profile image
marram in reply to greygoose

No, I cannot recall ever hearing mention of sunscreen!  

marram profile image
marram in reply to marram

Thinking of Spare's comment about 6 million years, it is logical whether you believe in evolution or creation.  

For me, believing in creation, I will say that what would be the point of creating a race of beings who cannot cope with the environment they were designed to inhabit?   None.  He gave us the sun for our wellbeing, just as he gave the plants the process of photosynthesis for their wellbeing. 

For the evolutionists, I would say, If we evolved, it would be a pretty useless evolution which did not adapt us to live comfortably with the most important source of power in our planetary system.  

QED yes, we need the sun.  Once again the so called health gurus have it wrong all these years.  And, I suspect that they will suddenly discover that something artificial in our environment is the true cause of skin cancers.....

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to greygoose

... I just remember the Calamine Lotion when we did burn !

redted profile image
redted in reply to Marz

Thats all I remember too.

Taminaone profile image
Taminaone in reply to redted

no we didn't have sun cream as children in the 50s or earl 60s but I remember being on a beach in France late 50s, early 60s and smelling the sun cream the French grown ups used and seeing their shiny bodies!

Mikiviki profile image

Yes we do need the sun.  Look at all the pensioners who pass the winter in warmer climes such as the Canary Islands and feel so much better for it.  For our general health, and mental health (the sun helps to keep depression at bay) up with the sun and down with all those who try to keep you out of it and replace it with vitamin d in a bottle!

Joyia profile image
Joyia in reply to Mikiviki

I would love to go to warmer climes in the winter or early Spring for three weeks or so but have no one to go with.  I yearn for the warmer weather as so many of us do.

justme-pc profile image
justme-pc in reply to Joyia

I'd love to go to so if I get well I will give you a shout right now I can't stand the sun especially hitting my head yet I was once a sun worshipper

Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to justme-pc

Hello justme-pc, most housebound people will probably be Vitamin D deficient, a lot of us hypos are low in other important vitamins and minerals anyway (iron/ferritin, folate & B12 etc). I was in constant pain when Vit D deficient. Some members have benefited by gradually building up tolerance to the sun.

I suggest you create a new post with your signs/symptoms and your latest blood test results (with ranges) for folk to help you.

If you are due a blood test ask for TSH, free T4, (free T3 & antibodies if possible) also iron/ferritin, folate & B12, and vitamin D levels.

Best wishes Jane :D

just a fellow sufferer, not medically qualified

Gilly81 profile image

I am with Shaws, I am of the suncream less generation. I have always been a sun worshiper until I developed Graves' dermopathy, could not stand the sun on my skin for 17 years, it was hell and of course I became vitamin D deficient, did not realise until a broken pelvis and a broken shoulder, I broke my pelvis sitting down on a kitchen chair! Of course the Graves' was bad for my bones too. I now make sure I take D3 all winer and now my Dermopathy is history I am out in the sun as soon as it appears!

I am not sure there was such a thing as sunscreen when I was a child, like Marram I spent my days outside and never remember getting sunburned.  My favourite thing was to slide in the mud after a rainfall - which is quite funny now looking back because I was reading the other day that the 'new thing' is earthing, something to do with the negative charge of the ground.  The article said is was a relatively new concept that is regarded as one of the most important health discoveries of our time - who are they kidding!! 

It seems we are doomed to keep reinventing the wheel, or have I turned into a 'grumpy old woman'.  Overheard a mother say to her child last summer not to touch the grass 'it was dirty'. 


Treepie profile image

I think that was the point of the question,we had none.Seem to remember something for when we burnt! In the Canaries now with 20 degrees but only 11 in the hills where we walk shortish circles.Cannot cope with the tough trails .

Our gt.grandfathers worked the fields and were brown without sunburn,though I expect they were not stripped off as per BBC Poldark.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

Calamine lotion! That's what my mother used. Because despite constant exposure to the sun, I still managed to burn easily on Holiday, when I stripped down to a swimming costume.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to greygoose

Ooops gg - just seen this about the Calamine Lotion !!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Marz


Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to Treepie

Exactly - we had none! We just covered up if we got a bit red. But we never went abroad, just to the seaside.

Personally I think suncream lulls folk into a false sense of security and they stay out all day, and I dread to think what's actually in some of them.

I seem to remember reading something similar in Malcolm Kendrick's doctoring data book too.

Disclaimer - Of course not everyone is suited to the sun.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Spareribs

All those summer hols at Skeggy " It's so bracing" where the sea was way out and one year at Brid. I suppose the sun was never that strong!

Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to Treepie

a week in Llandudno - the sea was freezing!

Chrys profile image

No sunscreen when I was a kid, which is probably why I visit hospital every three months for removal of skin lesions. Fortunately we are better informed of the problems of over-exposure nowadays.

justme-pc profile image
justme-pc in reply to Chrys

Me neither then I spent a few years living in Oz and my daughters knows had to have sunscreen especially on her nose different countries different types of sun rays getting through to us I'd say

Zephyrbear profile image

My mum used to apply just normal Nivea cream, probably more to stop the skin drying out than preventing any sunburn. I always spent my days during the long summer holidays around an open air swimming pool in Holland. There was none of this 'swim by the hour' nonsense then! You paid a yearly (or daily) entry fee and you could spend from 7am to 9pm at the swimming pool every day if you so desired. There were large areas where you could safely put all your gear (including picnics) and just sit and gossip (or even do homework!) when not swimming and I don't remember ever getting sunburned. Happy memories.

hairyfairy profile image

I grew up in the 50`s & 60`s, & people didn`t bother much with sun cream then, & i can remember getting sunburned on a few occasions. There`s so much hype about skin cancer nowadays, that people are scared of the sun.

Brownlow profile image

Another thread about Vitamin D on the newsfeed today healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...

It's about a very concerning article about the EFSA determining vit D reference ranges and it appears they are recommending ridiculously low levels as sufficient. This could see only very low dose vit D available without prescription in future. The article provides information on how to oppose this.

Janolly profile image

I have to take a Vit D everyday forever. I was told not to sit in the sun because I have had skin cancer on my face 3 times - I never sat in the sun before that - I did when I was a teenager, but that was so long ago, I will be 60 next month.

I have an aunt who worships the sun and has a constant dark tan, she has no problems with her skin even though in takes a constant hammering from the so called suns dangerous rays.

So I can't help wondering if staying out of the sun is good for me - hence the daily Vit D tablet, I was under the impression that Vit D is good for the immune system, well wouldn't it make sense to boost the immune system to keep skin cancer at bay.

I do wonder about the information we are given as years ago they said don't eat this don't do that and now they say well maybe it is not that bad after all, so what damage are we doing to ourselves by staying out of the sun?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Janolly


Janolly profile image
Janolly in reply to Marz

Hi Marz, I clicked on the link your link, but I am not sure what the chart means, is it levels of Vit D?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Janolly

You can enlarge by using the zoom at the top of the chart.  Then follow the numbers - and the explanations are at the bottom of the chart.  The chart indicates the levels of D that is required to prevent the illnesses listed on the left of the chart. 

jhealthunlocked profile image

Maybe I'm missing something here, but doesn't the article say that sun avoidance might decrease life expectancy only by 7 months to 2 years, compared to sun seeking, and that sun exposure increased the risk of skin cancer in the subjects? How does this add up to: don't use sunscreen?  As someone  with fair skin who had skin cancer young (25), I can tell you that the sun is not all it's cracked up to  be in this discussion. 

Something no one here seems to be considering with all this talk about how nature designed us is also that we were designed not to live past about 40. Sun damage is cumulative. Of course most people can get away with loads of sun for a few decades, but have you also witnessed how regularly a lot of older people have to visit the dermatologist to have sun-induced growths and cancers removed? As my mother says, "All my friends are always going to the dematologist to have things cut out of them."  Of course, I would love to be able to enjoy the sun like a normal person. But I don't get saying that I was "designed" for sun exposure.  We were "designed" not to live long enough to experience the ravages of decades of cumulative sun exposure. 

Spareribs profile image

Thank you for your replies.

I didn't realise I'd already posted about the Swedish study link 2 years ago! 


Hobnobbing profile image

I remember wearing sunscreen as a child. I never went brown. I just went painfully red and got blisters. Apart from having an illness now that is triggered by UV light, there hasn't been a hole in the ozone layer for the last x number of years, depending on which view you take of the universe. As for vitamin D, I'm on supplements now for life. 

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