Further to an earlier discussion on this topic, I think everyone needs to read this link :
Breast cancer in hypothyroid women using thyroi... - Thyroid UK
Breast cancer in hypothyroid women using thyroid supplements.

Thanks greygoose.
Interesting research this.
I have had fibrocystic breast for 10+ years, poly cystic ovaries for 20+ years and I have just been confirmed with multinodular (read cystic) goitre this week (altho undiagnosed hypothyroidism due to the dear old TSH gatekeeper).
There has got to be a link that all of my hormone receptive body parts are riddled with cysts. So many cysts, so little space....
I read that fibrocystic breast and pcos have been linked with iodine deficiency as well as hypothyroidism - I am contemplating supplementing but fearful of just having a go gung ho, as the research on iodine suggests it can also be toxic to thyroid gland....
It can indeed be toxic to the thyroid gland, if you take too much. It's always best to get it tested first, to be sure you need it. If you Don't, then Don't take it.
I'm pretty certain cysts are due to low thyroid - although I've never seen it on a list of symptoms, no list can ever be complete. I have cysts too - I even have one on my brain! But I was assured it was harmless. However, I am in no way iodine deficient.
Every cell in the body has a receptor for thyroid hormones. Every single one. So it really isn't surprising if things go wrong. Plus the fact that all hormones are linked, so if one goes haywire, so will the others.
Given all that, it seems to me to be totally idiotic to think that taking thyroid suppléments causes cancer. The thyroid suppléments restore the balance. Plus taking them gives you a source of iodine. How could that be bad?
BBD is mentioned in Dr Alexander Haskell's book - Hope for Hashimotos. I only remember as it shed light on my own condition that I struggled with right up to starting treatment for Hashimotos. I had had surgery too - and struggled with painful boobs and unpleasant secretions .....So I believe there is a connection
A connection with what? Not sure what we're talking about here. lol
My belief is that there is a connection with undiagnosed hypo. The research is to see if there's a connection between taking thyroid hormone replacement (Levo etc.) and breast cancer. Does taking Levo cause breast cancer?
Someone suggested it did in a post just before this one, and people were panicking. So, I posted this which says it found no connection between taking Levo and breast cancer. Which does sound more logical to me.
...ariel mentioned fibrocystic breasts which is the same as BBD- hence my post as it was suggested there is a link to BBD and Hashimotos.
Sorry maybe I wrote in the wrong place....