Hi again all,
I posted my results earlier this week and although my TSH is on the higher end of normal (4.18) my gp is satisfied that I'm well and is taking no further action at this time. 😖
I don't want to be at the mercy of an ill informed NHS gp so have decided to try and take some control back and make some lifestyle changes in the hope it alleviates some of my suffering.
Members have talked about b12 supplements, a good b complex, vitamin D and a thyroid health supplement. I'm unsure what doses of these supplements or whether any of these are likely to conflict with each other. Can taking too high a dose cause harm or does the body excrete all unused vitamins? Would I require a multivitamin still if taking these supplements?
As you can see I'm fairly vitamin illiterate!! Any advice would be gratefully received, as ever. Some recommendations on brands that work for others would also be appreciated.
Thanks and best wishes