Help with bloods please: Hi all you lovely people... - Thyroid UK

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Help with bloods please

Fencerope profile image
10 Replies

Hi all you lovely people, need some help please.

My husband went to the doc's for itching, and was given blood test for variousthings including thyroid function and b12. I got a print out of results( as always advised on here) and need some advise on what to ask the doc when we see him please.

His b12 was flagged low at 181(180-900) do you think we ought to ask for a loading injection. He has been of late ,very sluggish mentally and physically, this might explain why perhaps.

Also, his tsh was0.01, (0.27-4.2), t4 14.6(12.0-22), and they did t3 probably because of suppressed tosh which was 7.0(3.1-6.8) flagged high. He has never been tested for thyroid function before, I thought the result was a bit strange with low ft4 and high t3. There wasn't a request from the doc, to see him, but we will go anyway.

Can you help please, in what I should ask him, as obviously this is not a normal result!

He doesn't show signs of being hyper, in fact, the opposite, no energy, and putting on weight(might also be due to too much food of course,)

Myself and my daughters have been concerned of late, as he has been not himself, very forgetful, irritable and apathetic.

I welcome your comments

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Fencerope profile image
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10 Replies
Jose651 profile image

Hi Fencerope, 

When you see GP your hubby should ask to have Folate, Ferritin and Vitamin D tested.

I presume he got a Full Blood Count done. If not he could add that in. 

Your GP should suggest to check IF- intrinsic Factor to see if he has PA - Pernicious Anaemia. 

As he is B12 deficient he should get 6 injections over a 2 week period for starters. 

Take a look at the PAS forum within HU for more information and put a post on there as well.

Take care


shaws profile image

No wonder you're husband is very unwell. B12 is one of the most important vitamins (even though a vitamin it is also a hormone needed for all of our neurological health). Alzeimers/dementia etc are thought to be due to low B12. All of us should aim to be around 1,000 and can be helped by sublingual B12 methylcobalamin supplements as well as the injections. We cannot overdose as excess is excreted.

Dr Chandy has methodical records of over 700 patients who've recovered (some told they have Multiple Sclerosis) after having been diagnosed with anything but a B12 deficiency. Due to his success the authorities decided that he was prescribing too much and removed his licence at the age of 75.

elderflower2016 profile image

From the reading that I've done, a suppressed TSH, normal T4 and high T3 is called T3 thyrotoxicosis. Apparently, that is early stages of hyperthyroidism that may eventually progress to overt hyperthyroidism where both T4 and T3 are elevated.    Also read that some patients do put on weight with hyperthyroidism i.e. you don't necessarily lose weight.   I will also add that itchiness was for me a symptom of hyperthyroidism.

jimh111 profile image

Correcting the B12 is the simple and safe option so they should do that and see if he recovers.  They might also check for PA assuming he is not on a low B12 diet such as strict vegetarian.  His fT3, fT4,TSH figures indicate his thyroid is not functioning normally (he could have had a period of unnoticed hyperthyroidism which has down-regulated his TSH).  Consequently they should examine his thyroid and check for thyroid antibodies.

MariLiz profile image

The mental and physical sluggishness sounds like the low B12 to me. Mine was treated when my level was tested and found to be 176. It is needed by every cell in the body, and I had reached a very low point indeed. Is your husband experiencing any balance problems? Shoulder bumping doorways is often a symptom. Also numbness and pins and needles in legs, feet, and hands. I hope your GP will begin loading doses of B12 ( six over two weeks). It does take time for things to improve, especially if the level has been falling for sometime. I understand that we need a good level of B12 for thyroid function to be optimal. These things are often linked. Hope your husband feels better soon. Best wishes MariLiz

greygoose profile image

I agree with everyone - tests for PA antibodies are essential in his case. But also, antibodies for Graves, and antibodies for Hashi's. He could be in a Hashi's hyper swing.  

Coops2019 profile image

Look at British society of haematological guidelines , any one with neuro symptoms should have loading doses until no further symptoms . Also , you may like to get Sally pocholok book , could it be b12 . 

Marz profile image

Under the heading Films in the above link - check out the 4th video down and you will then see how important B12 is.

This link will take you to everything you need to know about B12.  It is a neurological condition when left undiagnosed and under treated.  What your GP does NOT know about B12 can harm you....

Additional testing is also detailed in the link - with lots of good advice and information.

Hope your husband receives the treatment he deserves....

Eddie83 profile image

Sounds like he could have thyroid hormone resistance, or perhaps high rT3 level which would block the effects of high T3.  Since FT3 was not done, it can't be known if he has abnormal TBG which is affecting the reading.

B12 injection should be done immediately.   Make sure other crucial nutritional levels are checked, esp. D3 and all B complex levels.

Fencerope profile image
Fencerope in reply to Eddie83

Thanks for the reply, he did have ft3 done. It was7.0 (3.1-6.8).

Going to the doc's first thing on Tuesday. Thanks again

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