So, here’s me with hashis on an NHS T3/T4 trial after 3 years of fighting the system to get my thyroid medication right... and there was The Husband over Christmas, sleeping a lot and feeling generally stressed, tired and achy. He has gout but wondered if his new symptoms suggested rheumatoid arthritis and I said he should ask for a thyroid test too, whilst he was at it... and, well, who’da thunk it, here are the results.
TSH 6.5 (0.27 - 4.2)
T4 12.4 (12-22)
The doctor has just called. As I heard my husband mention “my wife” and “hypothyroidism”, I started hovering(!) and writing frantic notes to stick under my husband’s nose telling him to ask for antibody and vitamin tests. My husband’s uric acid level is high at the moment, so the doctor wants to medicate that and then test thyroid again, including antibodies, in 6 weeks...
So... does anyone know if uric acid levels can impact thyroid? That seems like the GPs working theory, although I’d have thought it would more likely be the other way around... The other thing which occurs to me is that the poor old husband is unlikely to have T3 in range with such a low T4 result... what do you think?
Should we just bite the bullet and get him a full thyroid and vitamin panel privately now rather than waiting 6 weeks and probably getting refused a T3 test by the system? Following my own experience, I don’t trust them with this one little bit and don’t want the husband feeling unnecessarily unwell for any longer than he has to whilst they mess about: I know how awful it is! And I know they tend not to medicate until TSH is over 10, but I suppose a shoddy T3 result might persuade them otherwise. Is that likely do you think? I wasn’t diagnosed until my TSH hit 28, so I am less certain what ought to happen at the low end of the scale. I hope he doesn’t have hashis He is saying I gave it to him, ha ha!
Honestly, I feel like I am panicking, so I’d really appreciate it if you could check my logic. The worry that he is about to go through what I’ve been going through for all these years breaks my heart.
Lotika xx