Hi All,
Do you think the more comprehensive Genova saliva Cortisol/DHEA/sigA test is worth paying a bit extra for or is the standard cortisol/DHEA one sufficient? Referenced below... Thank you...
Adrenal Stress Profile (ASI): Cortisol/DHEA Specimen requirements: Saliva
Cost: £77.00 (Discounted Price for TUK only) Order Code: END01
Turnaround time: 7 - 10 days
This saliva test can detect imbalances in the daily circadian secretions of the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Imbalances in these hormones can indicate an inappropriate response that can negatively impact energy levels, emotions, and many other health complaints. These include anxiety, chronic inflammatory conditions, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, depression, migraines, headaches, recurrent infections, menstrual difficulties and infertility.
Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Profile: Cortisol/DHEA/Secretory IgA (SIgA) Specimen requirements: Saliva
Cost: £107.00
Order Code: END02
Turnaround time: 12 - 15 days
The Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Profile comprises of the standard Adrenal Stress Profile, which assesses cortisol and DHEA levels, and a Secretory IgA (SIgA) test. Stress is cumulative, and emotional, physical and/or metabolic stress affects the body in the same way. Chronic maladaptation of stress, signalled by imbalances of cortisol, DHEA and SIgA can lead to the most common health complaints of the 21st century. Both excesses and deficiencies of DHEA and cortisol have been implicated in the aetiology of various illnesses and immune suppression. Therefore preventative and therapeutic approaches should emphasise the critical importance of maintaining the proper equilibrium of these adrenal hormones. How an individual copes with the actual stress on a physiological level is largely dependent on nutritional status, lifestyle factors, and the period of time subjected to stress. Emotional behaviour and personal attitudes can be closely interlinked with physiological expression of stress.