Have you been offered this vaccine? If you have had the vaccine how did you react to it if any?
Shingles: Have you been offered this vaccine? If... - Thyroid UK

I have been offered this vaccine but decided against having it. I don't remember the reason for my refusal but it must have been based on side effects.
Hi Rebec
yes side effects are my concern. Also I don't know whether I am sensitive to neomycin, I can't see Gp's to test people for this before offering it.
I was offered it and declined. Apparently, it's automatically offered to anyone over 70. I thought shingles, aside from being incredibly painful, is triggered by other problems?
Personally, I wouldn't have any vaccination or test suggested by the NHS/Big Pharma.
I found this useful page about shingles vaccine. ovg.ox.ac.uk/shingles-vaccine
I have thought that I would get the shingles vaccine when/if it ever gets offered. I've known a couple of elderly people who got shingles. Both suffered devastating effects from it. One nearly went blind and the other was in severe pain for the remaining years of his life. The one with the pain found just wearing clothes was agonising when the pain was at its worst because his skin was so sensitive, and lying in bed with sheets touching him was agony too. But since walking around naked in a very cold house is not really an option, (the other occupants of the house would have objected strenuously too), he had no choice but to put up with the pain.
Since I don't trust doctors to believe that pain is real or to treat it adequately I really, really want to avoid something that could leave me in agony for the rest of my life.
Hi humanbean
It's a difficult decision to make.
It is offered to those who reach 70 yrs. My husband had it and was fine. No complaints. I'm not old enough.
I made enquiries beforehand and it was explained how serious harm can be caused by shingles in an older person. So it is given as protection against possible serious life changing effects of shingles if unfortunately suffered when older.
cdc.gov › shingles › vacc-need-know
In USA: provided under Medicare at age 65. I did not get the shot. My decision was based on it's effectiveness and if you got shingles you could get the shot at a later time. I have hashimoto and until I sort out what's going on with me, I opted to refuse. Below is part of the sites suggestions. Use the link to get info from the full site. Trying to find info re ...'weakened immune system ' or 'disease that affects the immune system,' is difficult.
In my opinion, It's an expensive shot (Big Pharma?) for its estimated length of protection and effectiveness.
Who Should Not Get Shingles Vaccine?
Some people should not get shingles vaccine:
* A person who has ever had a life-threatening or severe allergic reaction to gelatin, the antibiotic neomycin, or any other component of shingles vaccine. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
* A person who has a weakened immune system because of:
* HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system,