Is this fibromyalgia ?. : Hi there , I am... - Thyroid UK

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Is this fibromyalgia ?.

lynnwin profile image
13 Replies

Hi there , I am hypothyroid taking 100mcg Levo with 75mcg on alternate days .

I have terrible leg pains like flu aches :( was wondering if fibromyalgia affects your legs ?. I didn't think it did ? Or am I just coming down with the Flu ? Using magnesium oil to try and ease the pain and paracetamol ..Can anyone help ? Many thanks xxxx

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lynnwin profile image
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13 Replies
Clutter profile image

Lynwinn, fibromyalgia causes widespread musculoskeletal pain throughout the body, not just in the legs. It is worth investigating whether you are optimally medicated on your current dose and checking ferritin, vitamin D, B12 and folate as low/deficient levels can cause musculoskeletal pain.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

lynnwin profile image
lynnwin in reply to Clutter

Thank you once again clutter :) ... Just had 100mcg added a coupe of weeks ago on alternate days with 75mcg after you gave me advice which GP agreed with :)

Keep forgetting to take vitamin D :( I was having B12 injections as I'm a coeliac and my b12 was low but on last bloods in the summer 15 my B12 was so high over 2000 my GP stopped them :( will get them checked in a few weeks thank you for your time ,wasn't sure about Fibo as thought it was joint pain at certain points ? This is both legs terrible pain :( maybe as my dear friend says a virus ? Trouble is since being hypo I seem to blame every ailment on hypothyroidism :(

Thanks again Clutter xxxxxxxx

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to lynnwin

Leg and general muscle pain was something that I used to have. It went away when I got my vitamin D levels up to optimal.

130396 profile image

It's not fibromyalgia Lynn. Xxxx

lynnwin profile image
lynnwin in reply to 130396

Is that you rose lol xxxx😘

Look up Restless Leg Syndrome on wiki and see if you fit the criteria. ThAt can present as intense pain in the legs.

lynnwin profile image
lynnwin in reply to

Thank you xxxx will check it out xxxxx

shaws profile image

I agree with reallyfedup. In that I had widespread joint/muscle pain when on levothyroxine alone. I couldn't bend knees to step on pavement and my body felt so heavy.

I'm fine now and not on levothyroxine - I could never take it again. My muscles felt solidified.

I improved when some T3 was added. Then fine on NDT and also on T3 only now and no pains and feel well.

lynnwin profile image

Thank you shaws and reallyfedup123 .. I've be ok on Levo for a year :) the magnesium oil seems to help a little :) if it continues will have to see GP about the Levo ? It may be a virus as it feels like pains you get with the flu ? See how I go the next couple of days ? If no better will see GP thank you for your time :) xxxxxxxxx

phoenix23002 profile image

When I was on T 4 only (Synthroid), I had horrible leg pains, especially in the thighs. I have never had leg pains like that in my life. It was like the pain was in my bones. When I would drive up in the driveway from work, I literally had to use my hands to help lift my legs out of the car. That and the fatigue was profound. My back door could have been a mile away instead of 20 ft. Changing to NDT changed all that. It seems my only problem is that I just don't convert T 4 to T 3.

Marz profile image

Are you still taking the medication for blood pressure - was it ? - sorry not sure .... maybe it is a side effect.

Stopping your B12 injections because your blood test showed it was high - demonstrates just how your GP is lacking knowledge. What is in the blood is not what reaches the cells where it is needed. Once you are any type of supplements for B12 the blood tests are rendered useless. It is stated in the Guidelines that GP's are supposed to read :-(

You may have to scroll through to find it as its long :-) But will give you the information you need - to inform your GP. Did you replace the injections with B12 supplements ? B12 deficiency - when untreated can become a neurological condition. See the link below....

The above website will give you all the information you require - so do take time to read it. We have to read and learn for ourselves as we cannot rely on the GP's to help us to find wellness. Did your Doc take any steps for finding out the cause of your LOW B12 ? have you been tested for PA ?

Hope you soon feel better.....

lynnwin profile image

Hi marz thank you for your reply :) I'm taking 10mg of propranolol 3 times day and 10mg Amitripylne at night ! I was put on propranolol 11 years ago when I went hyper through thyroid antibodies (TPO) I have a small goitre also had meds from hospital to bring my thyroid back to normal it took about 6 months .. Then I was fine for 10 years no thyroid meds at all until March 2015 when my TSH was 4.65 and the surgery said Fine in range but after speaking to my friend who has be hypo for 28 years said that's far too high and as I felt really poorly I went to see my GP who put me on a starting dose of 25mcg and I started to feel better :) I am now on 75mcg Levo one day alternating with 100mcg another ...I've been having B12 injections on and off for years as when I had these antibodies 11 years ago I was very ill with a neuropathy burning and pain we lost our home as spent so much money goi g to different doctors even DrP . This was before I went hyper .. In the end I had all my Mercury fillings removed following a strict detox and last resort was a Harley street professor who said you need B12 injections I had lots of bloods and as one private doctor seemed to think I had addisons I was taking steroids which I didn't need 😞 I started the injections and was fine as was my thyroid :) wasn't till March 2015 that I started last b12 injection was March 2015 and when he tested my bloods in May 2015 it was over 2000 he said give it a break as was worried it maybe something more sinister with high VitB ! I have coeliac disease also I don't absorb my nutrients from my foods very well :( ... I pay for private bloods from Biolab as the GP won't test Ft3 and other B vits so I pay and my last bloods showed deficient in B1 which I'm taking ...what's annoying is the GP will give me a prescription for the B1 but won't test the bloods grrrr I've had tests for intrinsic factor and was ok and PA ...I'm going to ask for bloods soon as only do them every 8 weeks and thyroid are not much good without T3 :( and paying Biolab is expensive :( maybe my B12 has dropped ? I will read the links thank you so much :) sorry such a long post :( thank you for your help xxxxxxxx

BeansMummy profile image

I get deep, deep pain in my legs (and arms, hands and feet) when my vitamin D is deficient. I get vitamin D3 prescribed as I seem to have a permanent problem with it, but my GP will not test me any more even though I am in a lot of pain again. I had a private test done and, no surprise, am deficient again.

I was originally fobbed off with being told it was "probably just fibromyalgia" - something I absolutely refuse to be labelled with.

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