so I went to see the endocrinologist today that I have been fighting to see for months. I was diagnosed hypo 6 years ago on levothroxine 100mg.
He asked me what was wrong so I handed him my notes I made with all my symptoms. tired cold constipated dizzy anxious it was a long list . I told him my doctor said I was fine because my tsh levels were OK . his first comment was I bet your doctor didn't do all the relevant tests like t4 t3 and a whole lot more. I said no he said they wasn't relevant and he wasnt allowed to test for them .his reply really made me smile....Your doctor sounds like an arse all he has to do is write on the test that he wants t3 and others tested can your doctor write ??....that is exactly what he said I totally agree I said that's why I have fought to see you . He then continued to tell me it's really hard to find a doctor now days who has a clue about thyroid conditions or who cares . He took blood and told me a list of tests he's gonna do then asked me if I wanted him to test for anything else....We are also testing gluten tolerance adrenelin fatigue, blood sugar the works. He spent ages explaining to me how everything works what he will do when results get back. He really put me at ease as I was very anxious . but best of all he has made me feel for once that I have a point that it's not just all in my head and all the doctors who have brushed me off before they were the idiots and not me. At last I feel like I have found the doctor I was looking for . xx