Hi - I have felt really well for 8 months on armour, after years of Levo. I am now having symptoms and very unsure about my next step. I have been on 2 grains for at least 4 months and had bloods done 2 weeks ago.
TSH 0.15 (0.35 -4.7)
T4 7.7 (7.8-21)
T3 5 (3.8 -6)
I am now having symptons of fatigue/air hunger/aches/jittery/heartbeat aware/dizziness/headaches/numb limbs/dry eyes/hearing feels a bit muffled ....only a few!!lol😓
My pulse is between 65 -70, basal temp 36.6, weight is more on the stable to losing side then gaining. I am very confused if it's hyper/hypo My iron levels are good. Any advice and suggestions would be really welcome - my t4 is low so not sure what that indicates. So hopeful I can get back on track..I was feeling really well 😢..I see my endo on Thursday and not sure what his thoughts will be but the advice on here is such a help.