Hi everyone! I’m writing asking for advice.
I was diagnosed with Hashi c. 10 years ago and been on 150 Levo for pretty much 8 years but last Dec my Endo reduce my dose to 125 given high T4 (slightly over range, I believe it was 24 (10-22 range)) despite T3 at the rock bottom with 3.1 (2.5-6.5 range). She said my symptoms were due to over medication. Foolishly I went ahead with her suggestion.
My T4 dropped to 14, T3 to 2.9, I gained over 10kg despite no change in diet and eating healthily (no gluten, no processed foods, lots of veg), I started to suffer with brain fog, extreme fatigue, inability to exercise. I knew things were not right so tried addingT3 and optimised my nutrients (all but D3 and zinc) but things were still going downhill.
Until I had a massive realisation when speaking to a colleague who’s also on Levo- all these 10 years I have been taking my meds before the blood test!!!! I can’t believe no one ever told me not to do that So I quickly went for a new blood test without taking meds for 24h, on my usual 150 Levo that I have returned to:
TSH suppressed
T4 - 14 (10-22)
T3 - 2.9 (2.5-6.5)
Well that is pretty different to what I usually get- usually T3 would be same but T4 was always top range or few times slightly over.
So two questions:
Q1- Could it be that I went into undermedicated state whilst on 125 as my T4 level was at 14 after I took meds that morning so realistically was much lower and therefore the symptoms and weight gain?
Q2- What do I do? I have Levo but also got NDT. Would an increase in Levo boost T3 me as well ? Or am I better off giving NDT a shot? With that I am worried I could go into undermedicated state again whilst increasing dose over weeks as these results are low and you have to start small doses?
Thanks so much!!!