Ive been euthyroid for a good 5 years (so my physicians tell me) but had still experienced many symptoms associated with graves until I read an article by an american endo specialist promoting 'whole food' vitamin E for hair loss in thyroid patients. One of the brands he recommends is MegaFood E & Selenium, and since taking this my hair has stopped shredding and has even returned to its previous level of thickness. They are non synthetic and are derived from concentrated foods and as well as promoting hair growth they are a super antioxidant. They took at least 6 weeks to work but considering my follicular problems lasted for 10 years it was well worth the wait. My hot flushes are now also minimal and my skin looks much healthier. The article is called 'Natural thyroid treatment methods' by Dr Eric Osansky and you can check it out on naturalendocrinesolutio... Some reviews are scepticle but I swear by these vitamins THEY ARE A MIRACLE!!
I dont think they are sold in the UK but there are many websites you can find that sell them in the US. I get mine on the internet from 'My Natural Supermarket' for £26. Theyve eased my thyroid symptoms somewhat, but have completely alleviated the shredding.