I came across this site, and it has a lot of great info. I have been doing research on trying to lose weight and definitely struggle with it, but not with cheating. Even on 500 daily cals, I can only lose a couple of pounds, while others can lose 5-10 lbs a week. I know that is not healthy, I was trying to find my set point, so doing a lot of research. A lot of things popped up blaming it on the thyroid. I have been on synthroid for over 20 years. With the weight loss I have achieved, I started having a problem with my eyes, blurry at times, dryer than usual, and contact fitting changing, and the worst of it, the fatigue and feeling cold. I also read it could be an iron deficiency, so I started taking extra, and things did not change.
I have a really nice doc who I went to, and she did the tests I saw recommended, and gave me the results saying everything was fine, stay on .100 synthroid. Tests show now I am high in iron, so that is not it. Everything else supposedly came back great too.
However, upon reading on here, in regards to the thyroid, it looks like I may need to ask her to tweak things. From what you all say, I should maybe ask for T3?
Here are the results, let me know what you think:
TSH .93 range .60 - 5.4
Free T3 2.1 range 2.4 - 4.1
Free T4 2.0 range .9 - 1.5