I wondered if anyone has bad sweats when taking T3, I increased my T3 this year
to 27.5mcg split dose, but I've been having really bad sweats at night and in the day.
I am in menopause, but these sweats are far worse then I've experienced before.
I did run out of my patches for a very short while and I'm now using them
again, but the sweats haven't gone so I thought perhaps it was the T3.
Also could it be due to high Progesterone, I use the bio-identical cream and had a saliva
test done in April, it showed very high levels which have frightened me, but I've been told to keep
using the cream, which is a worry and I've read today that it can make you sleepy. I've been so tired
since December, I've not been able to get right at all, I thought it was my thyroid or adrenals, but now I'm thinking it could be the progesterone.
These are the results:
Progesterone 4000.00 pg/ml H range 47.94 - 233.16
Oestradiol 1.10 pg/ml " 1.01 - 2.56
Progesterone/Oestradiol balance 3,636.4 H range 33.0 - 116.0
Has anyone else had this happen to them? Should I just stop the progesterone and get my levels down?
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Thank you.