Thyroid UK has been working on an important new project over the past couple of months and we are now ready to let everyone know about it.
We were invited by the Scottish Government to work with them on a listening exercise to learn more about patients' experiences in respect of the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.
The Scottish Government were asked to look into how patients were diagnosed and treated by the Scottish Parliament Petition Committee under the petition lodged by three Scottish petitioners. Two of the petitioners stood down leaving Lorraine Cleaver as the only petitioner still involved - PE01463: Effective thyroid and adrenal testing, diagnosis and treatment.
The listening exercise is taking place via a survey that will be placed onto the Thyroid UK website, our HealthUnlocked forum and our Facebook and Twitter pages.
It will also be sent to all Health Boards in Scotland and Wales, the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trusts and all Clinical Commissioning Groups in England via their twitter pages so that more patients can access the link.
It is well known that 5-10% of patients (possibly more) do not recover fully on the standard medication given for hypothyroidism and we hope that the results of this survey will give some clues as to why this is and subsequently lead to a change in the way thyroid disease is diagnosed and treated in the UK.
We are asking questions such as how long patients had symptoms for before being diagnosed; how many times did they visit their GP before diagnosis; how much are patients spending on private consultations and were patients refused certain thyroid hormone medications even though they made them better.
The survey is open to anyone who has hypothyroid symptoms residing in the UK (excluding the Channel Islands due to not using the NHS system) and is completely anonymous.
The survey takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes to complete and participation will contribute to improving care and support for people with thyroid disease across the whole of the UK.
Thyroid UK is grateful to Wicked Minds Healthcare Consultancy and Healthbox360 for their strategic advice on the content and flow of this survey.
Please participate in this survey and help us spread the word by placing the link on any thyroid forums, Facebook and Twitter pages you go to.
You can also help by downloading the Poster to place in your doctor’s surgery or endocrinologists clinic. This poster will be available on our website on Monday -
To participate in the survey please go to:
For more information about the Scottish Parliament petition please go to:
Let’s make this survey a successful one!