Hi Everyone. I am hypothyroid and have been for 15 years and began self medicating with thyroid s in January. 1/4 tab a day for 6 weeks and then 1/2 tab per day, Came back from holiday in Feb and felt more fabulous than I had done in years.then started to feel really unwell. Couldn't sleep, adrenals overactive and making me very depressed through lack of sleep. I have not slept properly since Feb. My stress level is really high and it can take me weeks to get over something trivial. My job was really stressful, demanding and full of conflict, so I quit, because this was not helping me one bit and perhaps thinking that this was the root cause of everything but I don't think it is now!!! I have now been out of work of 6 weeks and I feel worse now not better.
I stopped taking thyroid s while I was still at work for about a week or so but didn't notice any difference....perhaps I was too ill to notice???
At the moment I am taking 1/2 tab one day and then 1/4 the next and have been on this dose for a couple of months, but I feel very poorly and really need help as for the first time I feel completely helpless, sick and alone and I don't know how long I can go on. My partner has been wonderful and tries to understand but he doesn't know what else he can do and it is putting so much strain on our relationship that I would not be surprised if he walked out!!!
I have no friends and no one to talk to, I really feel as though I am having a mental breakdown. I'm losing control of my mind and with no one to turn to my thoughts are turning to unspeakable things...I really, really really need someone I can talk to about this or to have anyone reply would be wonderful
Sorry to go on so....
I don't know whether I should stop taking thyroid S it for a while, try taking another form of NDT or try T3, I'm so desperate to get better.... PLEASE HELP....
So sorry....thank you. xx