hi am wondering if anyone else gets hot with an underactive thyroid? I can get cold sometimes but mainly get so hot! day and night does anyone else get this?
hot!: hi am wondering if anyone else gets hot... - Thyroid UK

Yes, been too hot for years although my temp doesn't show as too hot... But since I stopped eating carbohydrates a few months ago, the too hot feeling has gone. ( I do eat some carbs.. Up to 50 a day, but they come from veg and milk). Its great to feel the correct temp at last.
So try for a week, no bread, potatoes, bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits or fruit. After not eating any of that stuff I was relieved to find that gin, whisky and vodka are carb free!
Xx. G
thanks will give it a go! have cut out cakes biscuits an all sweet things fruit I will miss but carbs I can live without thanks I will give it a go!
anything is better than feeling on fire all the time! xx
I am hypothhroud and am always hot when everyone else isn't. Any exertion makes it worse. I get really sweaty at night too.
Yes, that's just how I was before cutting the carbs.
Xx g
yes, i do
its so rubbish thyroid causes so many other things
well just have to stay strong and not let it get the better of us!!!
please be careful lowering the carbs. that's how i messed up my thyroid, too low carb/low calorie, for too long. the only way i've been able to get my body temperature back up from near-corpse was to add the carbs back, and plenty of them, along with adding salt, and lowering my water intake, along with taking a supplement called thyrocsin - a blend of minerals, etc, which support thyroid function.
just a side note - even dr. atkins wrote that too long without adequate carbs shuts off thyroid function... too bad i didn't read that part before i did it.
thank you for the advice! where can I get some thyrocsin? from a health shop?
Hi Welly, I am absolutely persecuted by this. I'd go so far as to say it is often my worst symptom. The slightest change in temperature - I mean even heating being turned on for a minute, radiators barely even hot - and my body is sweating like it's turned tropical. When I go into a shop I get hot, when the sun comes out I get hot, if I shelter from the wind or get on a bus - you got it, I get hot.
It's awful at night because as soon as I get under the blankets I'm sweating. Often it gets worse and worse, even although I stick my feet, legs and sometimes all of me out until I am shivering, but as soon as I go back under - sweating.
It's not the same as hot flushes, because I get those too. My face doesn't go red and I don't feel sick or anxious (I do with hot flushes) I just start to sweat, in places I never sweated when I was younger, like my upper lip and forehead. I seem to have completely lost temperature control. I hate it.
..just another indicator that your thyroid is not working efficiently - it is often considered to be your body's thermostat.
That's what I thought, Marz. I noticed a while back that the 'attacks' seemed to be separate from hot flushes. It's like cold. Just now there's very strong winds here and I HATE them. I actually dread going out on these windy days because I feel like it's knifing right through me. That one's been with me for years. I can actually remember thinking, 'When did I get so decrepit about bad weather?' I put it down to illness and then to my TN, because wind and cold was a real problem with that, but now I realise that it exists all by itself. No temperature regulation at all...
That's really bad Chancery, I have noted that once in bed my body feels very warm but my feet remain cold and socks are needed. I was concerned that a holiday in the sun would be a problem but there was no difference except the socks were not needed.
Another one who runs hot although wear bed socks all year round. My face turns very red too, sometimes changing clothes twice daily, sometimes shower twice daily also.
Mentioned it to my NHS Endo who said he wasn't concerned about it, well he doesn't have to live with it does he!
Interesting about carbs although I don't eat many and there's always some room for improvement in my diet.
Yes I do. I suddenly feel like I am burning up. Doctors tell me it's 'The Change' even though I had a hysterectomy over 20 years ago!
Yes I have it too ! The thought of the upcoming heat wave is filling me with dread .I have also mentioned to Endo ,Neuro Gp no one is interested .Ive had a few occasions where I thought I was going to pass out it was so bad .Im Gluten free but not Carb free night have to give that a try !
Yes I can relate to this. Been told my bloods are "normal". Put it down to menopause at first but am getting suspicious about that. My eyebrows are very sparse now. Why don't we treat thyroid problems properly in the UK !?
Yes! I was hot for thirty years between the ages of thirty and sixty! I never wore any coat etc, couldnt't stand to be in other peoples homes with their windows shut etc. It is such a relief that that has all passed now.
Now I am normal up until noon, then go cold for a couple of hours then normal again!
It drives my family mad!
Yes i get this too.its duvet on duvet off .it really gets on my nerves somtimes i am really cold though and have had gloves on in the house as my hand have been painfully cold ,and then i am hoping that i get a hot flush.I have thought is it the levo .
I have had problems with any extreme temperature. I actually prefer cool weather as at least you can put on a jumper or turn the heating on. Being too hot makes fluid retention worse and there is less that you can do about it!
Hey this is interesting. (It would be more helpful though if people included their ages so we could see the menopause relativity). I'm 70 and had the hot flushes from 50 to 60 and then they more or less faded away. Since I started my low carb diet (Zoe Harcombe) I easily lost a stone and a half but then started with the hot flushes again. I asked my doctor about it and she said "well you've released all the oestrogen from your fat cells with losing weight" which seemed to make sense. However, I asked Zoe on her forum and she was doubtful. Non of the other mature ladies who have lost a bit of weight had the same experience. Zoe pointed me to all the other hormones that could be affected though which was very interesting. Low carb eating has been amazing in every other way. Complete end to the endless headaches. Yeh! Can now have a glass of wine, but also really good control of eating enabled. Carbs are as they say, addictive.
I find I get very hot at night, especially around my neck/throat area. It's horrible, when I tried to speak to my GP about it, all she said was I was probably fighting a virus! The fact that I have it over many weeks/months doesn't seem to count. MariLiz
ever notice how cats, despite all their fur, love the sun and warm temperatures, and hang out all day napping in the warmest spaces they can find?
their body temperatures are, on average, 101.5 degrees fahrenheit. so what feels comfortable to us feels a bit cool to them.
now apply to having low body temperature. let's say your body temperature is 96.7 degrees, that's just about 2 degrees cooler than the so-called norm. outside temp is 26 degrees c. people whose body temps are higher may perceive a comfortable temperature, whereas to those like us, the extra 2 degrees difference may feel a lot warmer to us.
just a thought.
Yes..terrible episodes of internal heating, drenched with sweat, then cold chills. The meds did stop this, but it is due too to having autoimmune disease.
Yes, the complete inability of my body to control its thermostat does my head in. I don't like the heating on even in the middle of winter. I don't remember the last time I wore a coat. The night sweats are impressive too.
No doctor has been in the slightest bit interested in any of it, and it is something I try to learn to live with as it isn't my worst problem
If I have to give up any more foodstuffs, I will waste away.
I have always been 'hot'! Hate it, especially as I feel like my brain is literally being 'frazzled' & oxygen gets lower in the heat ..(thyroid patients often experience 'air hunger' - lack of fast oxygen conversion in the body, so leading to these symptoms/feelings).
I have ALWAYS HAD THIS, as long as I can remember, even in teenage years & I'm 50 now! I agree with 1133 &, like Beansmummy', have hardly ever worn a 'proper' coat! Though getting older now & living in a draughty old cottage ... I often get colder in very extreme cold winters & find it hard to get my bones warm again - but often wish I hadn't afterwards!
I think, also, much of it is todo with the 'swings' of autoimmune Hashimoto's.
Hate being sweaty!! :/
I can't seem to regulate my body temp at all. One minute too cold, next minute too hot. Especially hot at night!! Not meno as on hrt. If the weathers hot then I just can't cope at all.
Low thyroid does cause hot flushes. But heat intolerance is also a sign.
Horrible! I sympathise!
I had a fairly easy menopause; was only hot at night but also felt that I couldn't get enough air. I had chest infections around that time though, and a COPD diagnosis which wasn't. Since the pneumo jab and giving up smoking was pleasantly surprised to have a normal spirometry result. I think some of the can't get enough air feeling was due to a hiatus hernia so felt worse after a meal. I worked log hours so would often eat my main meal late in the evening.
I don't think that the way I am now is related to the menopause but more to fluid retention in heat which can be at any time of the day. Heat still brings on a feeling of air hunger. Anything over about 70 degrees F feels uncomfortable.My thyroid function has been unstable though.The worst air hunger was pre diagnosis.
A friend who has a monopoly on illness noticed my swollen ankles the other day. My TSH when last tested was 6 point something so I've had an increase to 125 mcg. Still very tired 4 weeks on so think it may have to go up again. Very worried that my Levo isn't working and hoping its nothing more serious. Levo was fine for 2 years.