Blackstrap Molasses!: How This Rarely Used... - Thyroid UK

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Blackstrap Molasses!

greygoose profile image
20 Replies

How This Rarely Used Sweetener Can Improve Your Health

And if you Don't like the taste, here are a few suggestions :

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greygoose profile image
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20 Replies
jezebel69 profile image

Ok - I've ordered some. I hold you entirely responsible Greygoose if its disgusting lol

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jezebel69

Oh, but it is disgusting! lol But you have to suffer to be beautiful.

nightingale-56 profile image

Wasn't this the same as Virol that we were given the same time as Cod Liver Oil and that awful Orange Juice in an oblong bottle that Mum was given at the Baby Clinic? Loved it, and have bought Blackstrap Molasses since then.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to nightingale-56

I Don't remember virol. But I remember the awful cod liver oïl - what a dreadful thing to do to small childre! Still, it was ok when it was followed by the orange juice, because I loved that! Didn't taste like orange, but I liked it just the same.

So how do you take your molasses?

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to greygoose

Definitely had to hold your nose when swallowing the Cod Liver Oil and remember pulling a face when drinking the OJ, but loved the Virol. No wonder children grow up disliking so much! Have Molasses on a spoon or in a drink, milk or such like; for making Ginger Biscuits or Cake.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to nightingale-56

Oh! That's a good idea! I love Ginger cake. Never found a good recipe for Ginger biscuits, though. I like them really hard.

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to greygoose

Mine used to always turn out hard, so stopped making them.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to nightingale-56


Treepie profile image

Use it in bread making ,helps the process and gives the bread a nice taste. I like the taste anyway .

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

Do you make your bread in a bread machine, or the old-fashioned way?

Treepie profile image

Originally by hand ,now use food mixer dough hook to do the hard work, usually 6 loaves at a time and freeze them.One is always attacked while warm.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

Mmmmmm I can imagine! Nothing quite like a loaf of bread straight out of the oven! I used to have a wonderful bread machine that made fantastic bread. It came to the end of it's life and I bought another to replace it. The bread from the new machine was uneatable! So I sold it. I Don't quite understand how using the same ingreadients can give such different results in two different machines. I'm afraid I Don't have the energy or the patience to make bread any other way - although I know there will be cries of horror from some people when I say that. lol

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to greygoose

Trouble is wife now thinks I should go gluten free so no more of that bread,presume there is gluten free flour?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

There is, but it won't give the same results. Why does she think that? Are you Hashi's? I Don't think it will do much for you if you aren't. And even if you are, doesn't help everyone. Didn't help me! So why go gluten-free? But you could try for a while, just to please her, and see how you feel. If you Don't feel any better, then go back to gluten. Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

Treepie profile image

I am thinking along those lines but after holiday in Canaries in May when it would be hard to stick to it.

Think I am Hashis as antibodies were 600 + when tested.But no medic has said so.

Certainly not hyper ,a snail moves faster!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

With antibodies that high, you are definately Hashi's! But as doctors Don't know how to treat it,they Don't mention it. Sneaky!

Yes, I would agree with you, after the holidays! Why spoil a good Holiday that you've paid a fortune for?!?

Some people find that going gluten-free reduces anitibodies. I Don't know if it did or not when i went GF for over three months, because nobody would test them. All I know is, I didn't feel any better, and I didn't feel any worse when I started eating it again.

During those three months, I was gluten free, dairy free and sugar free and still felt like s**t. So, I thought, why make life even worse by not eating what I want! What I now know that I didn't know then, was that it was the Levo that was making me ill, not the antibodies! Much better since I went onto T3 only.

Treepie profile image

Back to the book, T3 only,may not be adequate.T4 is needed to help produce the body's most active riboflavin: flaxen adenine dinucleotide (FAD) which has many roles ,including supporting MTHFR enzyme and increases the production of methylfolate.

Refers to : seeking resource/ MTHFR- and-thyroid-disorders

Not looked myself ,a video but just remembered you have no sound.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

Stuff the book! lol I know all about T4 being necessary tra la la! But it doesn't agree with everybody. Some of us have to be T3 only to survive. And it's not just synthetic, I couldn't take NDT, either.

Thank you for your concern, but I Don't think I have the symptoms of a MTHFR defect. And nothing in this world would get me to take T4 again. :)

Treepie profile image

You clearly know what is best for you no doubt after many ups and downs ,I was only diagnosed last May it's a long journey to find out by trial and error faced with GPs concerned over their medical insurance( as mine refused to increase t4 this am.

At least he has referred me privately to someone who he says is open minded I.e. Prescribes NDT and no doubt T3

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

Yes, it has been a long and difficult ride. And terribly frustrating as I have yet to meet a doctor that knows more than I about the nitty-gritty. Yes, I have seen endos that know about the chemistry and more technical things that I Don't, but still can't understand why I Don't do well on NDT.

This is why I've taken over and am taking charge of my own health, now. And it's all trial and error, I'm afraid. And the trouble with most doctors is that they won't allow you to trial things. It is as they say it is and no other way. I have found out at last, after 15 long years of being messed about, what is working for me. And I also know what doesn't work.

Books are all very well to give you the grounding, the basic 101. But one has to be flexible, because we're all different, and books tend to be too rigid if you stick strictly to their advice. What works for me might very well not work for you. Gluten-free might work for you, whereas it didn't for me. One can only go by what one knows but accept that others might have a different experience.

Hugs, Grey

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