Can anyone help with these levels my GP has given me please?
T4 = 17.7
TSH = 0.74
I'm on 125 mg of Levothyroxine but purposely didn't take my medication the day before my blood test.
Many thanks
Can anyone help with these levels my GP has given me please?
T4 = 17.7
TSH = 0.74
I'm on 125 mg of Levothyroxine but purposely didn't take my medication the day before my blood test.
Many thanks
Bonkers, TSH is where most people feel comfortable and FT4 looks good. The lab ref range (the figures in brackets after your results) would be handy to see how good. You appear to be optimally medicated. How are you feeling?
Thanks. Feeling ok but had a rough January! I had to have the MMR immunisation for job purposes and was pretty poorly a week after with flu like symptoms. The odd thing was, after 2 hours of taking my medication I felt extremely shaky and also felt the need to eat.... a lot! I reduced my medication and felt much better. After a week I continued with my normal dose and felt over medicated with hyper symptoms. I'm now back to taking reduced dose and feel ok and the blood tests seem to agree! Wonder if the MMR interfered with Hashimoto?
Am seeing my consultant next month but I have to have another blood test before the appointment. Would you suggest I take my normal dose before the test or my self reduced dose so I we can see what's happening?
Sorry for the long reply!
Many thanks
Bonkers, keep taking the reduced dose. That's what you feel comfortable on and you need to see what's happening on that dose.
I wouldn't be surprised if MMR caused a Hashi flare. It takes very little to kick it off. I'll be more surprised if your endo doesn't poo poo the idea though
Thanks Clutter. I'm expecting him to dismiss it too and give me one of his strange facial expressions that says "I think you've lost the plot!" I will stay on the reduced dosage and listen to my body!
Many thanks again