Hi all, I would welcome any thoughts on the following if you wouldn't mind. Managed to get a referral to an endo from Louise ' s list and he was great happily prescribed t3 saw me a month later and I informed him that I regarded the pills as my happy pills. He was happy to request my gp prescribe this medication for me. Went to gp for prescription and she said she wasn't sure if the surgery were licensed to prescribe it but gave it to me anyway and ordered bloods. Had bloods and got a call to make an appointment. ....went to see her today and because of my tsh she is not happy to prescribe t3. Have asked her to revert back to endo with results. What I am wondering is should I be concerned about my tsh level (thought when on t3 tsh can't be relied on). Here are my numbers:
Tsh <0.03 (0.35 - 5.0)
Free t4 17.6 (9 - 24)
Free t3 5.7 (3.5 - 6.5)
Feel the best I have done since diagnosed in Sept 2013. Should add am hashi as Tpo at diagnosis was 1050. Would like anyone's views on tsh level if possible.
Thanks for reading and your time xx