I have had my Thyroxine reduced from 225mcy-100mcg (gradual reduction) as my TSH was 0.01 and my T4 was 24 - but since the reduction and over the past year my GP believes I am still taking to higher a dosage and wants to reduce my Thyroxine more? My recent blood results were TSH 0.01 and my T4 15....I don't have, not have I ever had, any hyperthyroid symptoms. Infact, I continue to have 'hypothyroid symptoms'.....and these have become much worse since reducing my thyroxine to 100mcg. I have palpitations at times but I have always had these and take a beta-blocker for this problem....I have no other 'hyper' symptoms....I went to see an endo' in Manchester but he wasn't too understanding and I was basically 'brushed-off' as being peri-menopausal?? Please HELP! Does anybody know an endo' near to the Manchester area who does not go purely from blood results??