I would be gratefull for test results info. I've been hypo for 8 years and was finnally diagnosed last summer. It is a long story of battle with Gp, doctors, all that stuff" its all in your head"...etc. I am on thyroxine 50mg and I feel like I am slowly coming back!!! I gained 20% my energy back but it still doesnt feel all ok. All that energy, bloating, stomach pains, back and joints paints and swelling, weight gain, higher cholesterol, anemia are still there... I have strong Hashimoto history in my family my mum and my 2 sisters are diagnosed with it.
I had my test done recently and I will be grateful for some help with it.
I am on Thyroxine 50mg
Tsh 2.24 mIU/L (0.35- 4.94)
A TPO - negative
Serum free t3 - 4.40 pmol/L (2.63-5.70)
Serum free t4 - 13.80 pmol/L (9.01 - 19.05)
Cholesterol 6.0 ( up to 4 - normal)
I asked for vit b12 and d checks but I was told I dont need it.
I will be grateful for your help.