Hi All,
Let me introduce myself. I am a 56 year old....well, 57 tomorrow....woman and I have been really poorly for some months and have three other autoimmune diseases.....Type 1 Diabetes(I was actually wrongly diagnosed and treated as a Type 2 for the first five years), Vitiligo and Alopecia Areata, so I know getting another autoimmune thing in my group was always on the cards. This autoimmune hypothyroidism diagnosis has come at the end of a year that has left me wondering if I am ever going to feel well again.. First I got a frozen shoulder, which was so painful and along with that I had lots of aches and pains that seemed to come and go, I was dropping things, I became forgetful when talking and had awful insomnia that went on for months. I was sent to a neurologist, who told me I had blocked nerves in my brain and put me on anti depressants to help with this supposed nerve problem. Sadly, I had bad reactions to medications prescribed this year, including severe vomiting and diarrhoea, blackouts and massive panic attacks .I'm sure it was the medication because as soon as I stopped each tablet, these horrible side effects stopped.
Well, at the end of August I felt SO ill and apparently was going into Ketoacidosis. I spent a week in hospital whilst they did lots of tests and finally found I then had glandular fever too. It put me in bed for more or less two months. Then I had a vitreous detachment, which has left me with floaters in my eye. Since then, just as I thought I was getting back on my feet, I started to have episodes, when out and about, where I'd suddenly feel like everything was 'racing' inside my body. My legs felt as though they wouldn't hold me up, I'd then get bad pins and needles in my legs, would start shivering, breathing super fast and felt 'detached' from my surroundings and out of control. Three times shop staff called paramedics out to me and apart from the first time a paramedic telling me I had tachycardia, their tests were all fine. I couldn't understand why this would happen so randomly and it was quite frightening but I am a determined person, so it won't stop me going out.
I also ,even though I lost weight when the G.F. was doing its thing, had started to put on a bit of weight, my hair is falling out and I always seem to have cold hands and feet.(Though in the evening I have episodes of hot flushes and have beads of sweat running down me......not sure if that was the G.F. Hypothyroidism appearing or signs of a Diabetic Hypo but you can see why it's difficult to assess!)
Anyway, I was told last week, my last blood tests were to be redone and the last paramedic sent me to the G.P. to discuss whatever the problem was with the blood tests. This was when I was told about the hypothyroidism. My blood tests showed a TSH of 4.91 and a T4 of 12.3. As I say, the blood tests are to be re-done on Tuesday but having had a read around the site here, I see there are other markers in blood tests when dealing with Hypothyroidism and I wonder if some kind soul here could advise me if I should ask for any of these to be included in my blood tests to be done on Tuesday?
I don't think doctor's like it when I query their judgement but I like to research and help myself in dealing with things because to my mind better knowledge can mean better understanding and control of any condition.
I read somewhere that Hypothyroidism(or treatment of it) can interfere with how insulin is taken up in the body. Can anyone, please, give me any more info about that? That is one of my biggest fears because up until now, I have managed good diabetic control and I don't want to lose that.
I am really glad to have found this site because I was starting to feel that I might be going mad recently, with these paramedic 'episodes'. My G.P. said they sounded like panic attacks and informed me I am down as 'an anxious person' in my medical notes, which makes me feel like some worrying hypochondriac. Sadly, I only joined this practice a year ago, so all they've seen of me is backwards and forwards with complaints, so who could blame them for coming to that conclusion?
Prior to my frozen shoulder I rarely went to a doctor's because it's something I hate doing. I've always been a 'coper'. I've had to be. My father died prematurely from Motor Neurone Disease, I have a severely disabled brother (he has cerebral Palsy, epilepsy and has had to undergo a serious operation this year), my mother is in end stage heart failure and up until I asked my sister to step up and help a bit more, it was me who would always be in an ambulance with my brother or mother but my sister took on board what I said and has since been brilliant but the point is....I coped......I don't like the fact my health is now preventing me from 'being there' like I was and panic attacks are not me.
My doctor might think I'm an anxious person but I notice panic attacks can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism, which in a way, is a relief to me because it reassures me I'm not going mad.
Sorry this has turned into a massively overlong post and if you haven't nodded off, thank you for reading.
Any advice or tips would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you.