Hi everyone , sorry post is so late , been trying to work out what I'm needing to say , totally fog brained at moment, but am going to try .
Went today to pharmacist to pick up my prescription meds , when I was there I was told I was not going to get the T3 , and the doctor had demanded that I have a blood test before he would consider reinstating T3 . I have now got an appointment with him in the morning and blood test straight after . As you know from previous posts I was prescribed T3 by an endo , which came a little as a shock as i never asked for it , but i welcomed it , i never even asked to see an endo , anyway , at that time I was taking 75mcg / 100mcg levothyroxine alternate days , he told me I was to reduce levo to 50mcg daily along with 20mcg T3 , i thought that was a little odd , so asked for advice from the good people on this forum .
The majority of you said , no way , that is the wrong dose to start your on , he's setting you up to fail , so took that advice and have been taking 75mcg levothyroxine and 10mcg liothyronine daily , apart from all that has been going on , ie ; small stroke , horner's syndrome , and the lumps and swellings on left side of neck and the raspyness of my voice , i do feel like I have made a few improvements in the way im feeling, so definitely don't want the T3 to stop , now the blood test , do I do this fasting or take meds as normal please ?? Some advice would be deeply appreciated , do I pretend I'm taking what he prescribed , or do I be honest and tell him straight, what I've been taking ?? As im in a real pickle as to what to do 😕😕