Latest blood test shows Ferritin 179 [13-150] ug/L range, but Haemoglobin concentration 123 [120-150] g/L. These seem contradictory. Can anyone suggest what this might indicate?
Ferritin very high, haemoglobin low. What does ... - Thyroid UK
Ferritin very high, haemoglobin low. What does that mean

Have a read here:
There are several reasons for ferritin rising other than due to an excess of iron. So it is perfectly possible, even quite common, for ferritin and other iron levels to be apparently out of step with each other.
Why did I bother to write all that stuff when all you needed to do was link to wiki? Sheesh.
I didn't check your previous posts, but have you been taking iron?
Is there any chance that you have a haemoglobinopathy?
Are you vegan or vegetarian and possibly not consuming enough quality protein? If you are on a severe calorie restricted diet, the body will scavenge protein from muscle tissue. This will result in high ferritin because the body stores and recycles the iron from myoglobin. If you are consuming a low protein diet or a poor protein diet, then the same thing happens. Skeletal muscle mass decreases. Cardiac muscle tissue also decreases. Various problems will also cause high ferritin, like pancreatitis. Kidney problems will result in lowering of erthyropoeitin hormone levels even when a person is consuming enough iron to make for good hemoglobin levels.
Or do you have a chronic infection or other health problem? Immune system problems will result in high ferritin and low hemoglobin.
Sometimes the body will store iron in order to make it unavailable and prevent bacteria getting access to it.
There are hemoglobin abnormalities that prevent iron from being utilized.
Does your physician have anything to say about this? Are they going to be doing additional tests? There can be, as you see from above, many reasons and causes for your current situation.
Thank you for the long reply. Will need to take these to the doctor then. Looks like no simple answer.
Ah yes, I looked through your previous posts and this is about your wife. She sound extremely frail if her vertebra broke from going on a road trip.
Have bisphosphonate meds been optioned? Sometimes it's the best thing. Vertebral osteoporosis benefits from these drugs immensely. The pain from fractures is unremitting.
You are correct. Since 2006 she's had quite a lot of bisphosphonate infusions, pamidronate and zoledronic acid. Indeed originally we put down hair loss and skin problems to them - but it seems clear these days that it isn't so. Nonetheless, they did make a difference to bone denity, but it is still bad and the spinal fracture last year occured when the density was beginning to clearly improve. (she couldn't tolerate oral bisphospohonates). She is just about to begin a course of parathyroid hormone injections.
Why did you think her problem is thyroid related?
This particluar item might not be - but she does also have practically the whole list of thyroid related problems. This is just the only item that blood tests show up as out of "normal" range!
Chronic illness will suppress thyroid function:
I suppose when it goes on for too long and metabolism is always slow, it will compromise healing of tissues. Lack of physical activity will result in muscle atrophy and joints will not be supported adequately..... hence painful to get around.
You could discuss with the doctor to trial a low dose T3 (5 mcg) because T4 is not being converted properly. It would not be entirely outrageous to try something at this dose. Taking a T4 would probably not do much.
What a differance to me my ferritin is 7 and hemo 9 no wonder I feel ill x
You may be low on B12 and Folate.
Blood cells need iron, folate and b12 to be formed.
Your iron is certainly high but not alarmingly high. If you are supplementing with iron stop and boost your b12 and folate levels
Butterfly, this excerpt is from the Stop the Thyroid Madness Website for Optimal Lab Values:
If your ferritin is much higher, you have INFLAMMATION–the latter causes iron to be thrust into storage and inflammation is common with thyroid patients for a variety of reasons. In less common cases, higher ferritin can be from liver disease, alcoholism, diabetes, asthma, or some types of cancer. Men are generally higher than women without having the above problems. If ferritin is high along with a high % Sat and Serum iron, you may have hemachromatosis or a MTHFR defect. You should be off all iron for at least 12 hours before testing to see what your body is hanging onto, and 5 days to see your true iron levels.
Can someone help with this. I have been dealing with my problems severely since 5 years ago. When I got tested they told me my ferretinlevel was 4! so I switched doctors and this new doctor immediately started me on injections. Whenit was getting to 80 and I was feeling great then once it reached 120 my doctor stopped. WE were both shocked that it worked and it was feeling better but then to her shock my iron level fell drastically again. So I have continuously on injectons along with B12 injections until she didnt feel right about it but by that point my levels were in the 300's. Today I got an update and my Ferretin is 337 and my hemoglobin is 4.9 I dont know what to do. I dont feel well I feel like I did when I had low ferretin levels my joints ache and my hair is shedding like crazy. Please help. Also my thyroid levels fluctuate between 2.5-4.95
If your ferritin level dropped like a stone when you stopped getting injections, then it will almost certainly happen again. So I wouldn't worry too much about the high levels for the moment, it will probably drop soon enough.
If it really, really bothers you, the quickest way of lowering ferritin is to give blood.
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