Eczema, itching, rashes - I actually found some... - Thyroid UK

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Eczema, itching, rashes - I actually found something which helped!!

sheenah profile image
20 Replies

Hi Everyone,

For the last few months - no maybe a year I have had eczema on the palms of my hands (- dyshidrosis - or also called pomphlox) I was getting desperate as It was more painful than itchy and getting worse (I am hypo) - I eventually came across Collodial Silver and have been sloshing on my hands for a week - cant believe the difference - it's stopped it in it's tracks!! Anyone who has it will know that as one lot goes, another is following it under the skin and it just does not go. The Doc gave me heavy duty steriod cream, but I was very loathe to use it knowing that what you rub on your skin ends up in your bloodstream, and hey, I have enough problems without adding steroids into the equation! Prior to that I was using Eurcerin cream which is high in urea - so what I did was slosh the Collodial Silver in to my hands, rubbed it in and let it dry, then coat it with the Eurcerin cream to seal it in - I wish I had taken photos before and after! I got the CS from Amazon - £12.95 I think and the Eurcerin cream from Boots - Intensive Hand cream - if you have this give it a go and let me know how you get on !!

Love to All xx

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sheenah profile image
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20 Replies
Marz profile image

Popped into my Inbox today ! Was pondering a post - does anyone use this - and there you are ! BRAVO !

sheenah profile image
sheenah in reply to Marz

Have looked at the link Marz - I can't see where it says anything about collodial silver - perhaps I am being thick! xx

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to sheenah

The e-mail was headed - Nano Collodial Health Care - so assumed the product was colloidal silver....oops perhaps I gave you incorrect info - sorry !

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Marz

Somewhat opportunistic claiming it works against ebola. Very obviously the latest fashionable plague-like disease to fear. (And that is in no way meant to diminish the real issues of ebola.) If it worked, maybe some of the doctors themselves, several of whom have died, would have used it for themselves?

Triumph of marketing over, well, everything.


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to helvella

As we know Docs are not always well informed. I don't pay much attention to claims - experience rules !

Ellie-Louise profile image

Thank you so much Sheenah, I'm going to try this.

I've been at the end of my tether pretty much with my own Pompholyx. I've had it for months after it progressed from being plain old contact dermatitis picked up years ago from wearing a gold ring surprisingly, (I wanted to wear my Mom's wedding ring on my right hand after she died, and it caused dermatitis on my finger which consequently spread over both hands even though I stopped wearing it). I tried tea tree oil and that burned me quite badly, over time I have been prescribed all sorts of creams for it including the latest which is 5% steroid ointment, that one has taken my skin off. So when I researched other peoples experiences on the as you probably have done yourself and saw Emu oil had been successful for someone. Not available in the UK I bought some from America, it is helping slightly but isn't getting rid. Today I could barely stop myself from scratching again, the last time I nearly scratched my skin off it ended up infected and I was put on antibiotics which caused a problem in my mouth resulting in even more medication to combat that.

I thought I was alone here with this problem as no-one else had commented when I spoke about it in a post recently. So although I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy if I had one, I'm pleased that you wrote about it too and have found something that works at last.

Thank you so much, I will certainly try it and let you know how I get on. The relief I feel right at this moment to think there might be light at the end of the tunnel is beyond belief, because the last thing the doctor said he would try if the steroid didn't help was going to be light treatment...whatever that is!

Kate xxx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellie-Louise

Kate, I can't wear gold, either. I only wore my wedding ring for about a week after the wedding before I noticed all the skin was peeling off (don't have that trouble with silver rings). I stopped wearing it immediately, much to my husband's disgust! lol So what did he do but go and buy me gold earrings!!! I have never even tried them on. The last thing I need is itchy ears!

Hugs, Grey

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to greygoose

It's odd isn't it? They say if you are allergic to nickel to wear gold or silver, but gold does have nickel in you are stuffed basically!

My own wedding ring is white gold and had been fine until a few months ago (41 years married) now I wear a silver ring instead because I can't get my wedding ring on, my finger is fatter with this dermatitis which is a ruddy nuisance.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellie-Louise

It's most unfortunate! lol But I prefer the look of silver, anyway.

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to greygoose

So do I, I've always worn silver all my life. I don't think the colour of gold suits me, plus I was a winter (cool water colours) baby born in Feb., I can't stand the heat of the sun so this summer is getting right on my t*ts, pardon the French. lol

sheenah profile image

I think it is the Collodial silver which has the most effect - the cream just sort of seals it - initially I was putting it on every half hour - you can put it on as much as you want - I went to put some magnesium oil on after my shower the other day and it stung my hands to hell - but I thought it might actually be a good thing although it hurt - light treatment is a good option - someone I know had what we have (although worse) all over her body and she eventually had light treatment which did the trick. Mine started a couple of years ago - I initially thought I was allergic to the glass paints I use, or the thinners, but no. I also had a very traumatic emotional experience almost exactly 2 years ago, and it got steadily worse from then, even though it is more or less resolved. I am so looking forward to hearing how you get on with it - you can use it for anything - cuts, brusies, sore throats, you can actually drink it! Have a look at the reviews on the Amazon site - I bought Higher Nature Collodial Silver - a good brand. XX

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to sheenah

What size bottle did you get Sheelah? And have your hands turned blue yet, do you resemble a smurf? lol

I've just been researching it and it has proved extremely interesting reading.

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to Ellie-Louise

Sorry, I meant to write your name correctly but gremlins are on my shoulder this morning. xx

jonil profile image
jonil in reply to sheenah

I make my own calloidal​ Silver cream, it's not hard to do anyone can learn to make moisturizer so learn that and replace the water for calloidal Silver. It's healed my hands and feet which were getting eaten away by blisters now it's just dry, I need to apply a lot of the more emoilient moisturizer I have made. I also have tried EFT tapping on my body telling it to stop attacking itself. This thread may be old but needed to tell of my success. I also find that the same cream heals coldsores in 3days for me. Cheers 😉.

sheenah profile image

Sorry - I have only just got your message!!?? The size bottle was 100 ml and no I haven't turned blue yet!! Just still seeing steady improvement! xx

Ellie-Louise profile image

Thanks, I'll order some today. xx

Ellie-Louise profile image


I'd actually forgotten all about these posts until I saw in my notifications just, that j_bee had like one of my posts here.

I got rid of my awful skin problem in the end and it wasn't with the colloidal silver, because that didn't work at all on me.

What did it was B12 cream, I saw it mentioned on another website and thought I'd try it. (I bought it from the cream is deep pink and I used it as you would hand cream before I got into bed each night...I say the word 'night' loosely because as a rule it's always in the early hours that I seek out my bed.

Anyhow, this cream was miraculous, I even recommended it to a friend who had eczema and hers improved too.

(I can't believe it was 3 years ago! where the heck does the time go?)

in reply to Ellie-Louise

Can you give he name of the B12 cream you used? Have read it is good for vitiligo as well as vitamin a. was your eczema due to thyroid problems or unknown reasons? Thanks Ellie - Louise.

Ellie-Louise profile image

Hi, it all started with a gold ring, for some reason it started a bout of dermatitis that later spread and turned into pompholyx.

At the time I bought mine there was only one type on Amazon but I can’t see it now, although there do seem to be quite a few different ones there.

Looking on eBay I found the same one I got, so I’ll pm you the link.

Hoping it works for you, my eczema has never returned since it cleared up.

SueFW profile image

Hi Sheenah

I have just purchased some CS off Amazon which states it’s 40ppm. I suffer with pomphlox hand eczema which started when I was in my twenties when I wore a gold ring. I am now 49 and have tried every cream, ointment and potion I could find. I have been going to a dermatologist since 2011 and periodically she prescribes Toctino which gives some relief but is not safe to continually take, and the severe itching and blisters come back again. How often did you apply CS? I’ve used it today about 5 or 6 times and my hands are looking a lot better already but there’s no guidelines as to how often you can rub it in, it only says use 3 times daily but I’ve exceeded that! It stops the itch so every time I get an itch I spray it on. Hope your hands are still good and any advice you can give I would be extremely grateful I just don’t want my skin to turn blue lol!!!

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