i was searching through the web yesterday, and reading researches on the ferritin , b12 and folate and iron metabolism.....
there is one hormone that is called hepcidin, it is in the liver, and it regulates complete metabolsim of the iron, i noticed many hypo people have problem with low iron and/or b12! and this puzzles me why this is not addressed together? (some studies on mices showed that combined therapy of iron +t4 gave better results then takin just on or the other on treating iron lvls)
It seems that body doesnt want to absorb iron from the food if there is low grade chronic inflamation going on...and that kind of inflamation can be casued by exercising.....and i remember i was always active even though my body was depleated with everything (so body with hypo people can register walking as exercising too if its more then it can do??)....
iron is directly correlated to oxidative metabolism, which is again affected by hypothrioid condition....so probably body concludes there is no reason to uptake more iron if the oxidative metabolism will just make the body weaker....becasue not sufficient hormones to keep it going??
this is just my theory...but bottom line is.....when one finds hypo problem should check ferritin level and prescribe both things together, if ferritin is not improving this means thyroid hormones are not balanced enough??
this was my case at least, my ferritin could never improve....
so curious to see if on better therapy after 1-2 years my iron gets fixed .......my serum b12 is good, did not measure folate (since i think there may be false rsults).
Also not enough copper, zink can influence iron absorption..but i watch my diet for the last 6 years....was bombing myself with iron rich food :)...eat bluebrrries every single day now meat etc...so it my feleing the body doesnt want to absorb more! :), i tried with more stomach acid too, but to na avail......iron is absorbed in duodenum 1-2mg per day only and that same amount is wasted every day too
if anyone comes across some explanation to it i would be so curious this is my conclusion only....since i see this permanent connection between oxygen in blood and hypothyroid