My Vit D result tells me 50.2 mildly insufficient, I am currently taking 1000iu...would it be sufficient to double the dose to help? I have no thyroid due to cancer and am having my thyroxine sorted out as levels high, thank you.
VIT d: My Vit D result tells me 50.2 mildly... - Thyroid UK
Hi It depends on your calcium result. Calcium must never be over range as an electrolyte. If calcium well in range , then it is fine to increase the D. If over range ,not, my D is rock bottom but as calcium over range not safe to take any D, what ever. It is really Endo and complicated as hormonal.
Hi..thank you, my calcium reads Serum a calcium 2.54 (2.2-2.6) and Adjusted Calcium 2.49 (2.20-2.60) am presently upping my Vit D3 to 2000iu.
Hi, thank you for your advice, I have been diagnosed with macular degeneration so have to avoid exposure to the sun unfortunately, probably one reason why my Vit D is low, I also work nights so you can imagine I don't see a lot of daylight! I wear dark glasses when I go out and do endeavour to get the sun on my arms...I have a low tolerance to sunlight, even with sunblock my skin starts to get a rash, am endeavouring to get sun on my arms as much as possible, my sister had recently been diagnosed with very low D and was advised to get sun on her arms as much as possible. I will look into Vit K2 as well!! I will soon be rattling!
Hi It is the adjusted calcium that matters which is fine. I would up the D and have another caclium test in 2 months.
Thank you very much.
Hi, I was the same as you and had a vitD of around 52 and I was lucky because my doctor gave me a prescription for it which successfully raised it to 97, right in the middle of the reference range. He prescribed me 20,000 iu of D3 per week to take for exactly 3 and a half months. I had a look around on some websites and you'll find that without a prescription the highest vitD pill you can get is 1000iu and I think this is because it can damage your kidneys if you take too much. However you can get oral sprays with higher amounts of it because it skips the kidneys, I found one on Holland and Barrett spray with 3000iu
It could be worth a go to speed things up because like I said it took 3 months for me to get it back to normal and that was taking a much higher dose then you. I would only use the spray for a few months though because you don't want to overdose. Hope this helps
Thank you...when I eventually find a doctor who is interested in me I will ask about vit sister has a very good doctor and I will soon change surgery in the hope of finding a doctor that wants to help me, so far no joy, hence I ended up paying for a private area do to help with my thyroxine problems.
Should read private Endo, not area..sorry..must be the heat..

Sesbo, you can supplement 2-3,000mg vitamin C daily with OTC suppplements via supermarkets, health food stores and
Vitamin D3 softgel caps are better than tablets and should be taken with food as fat aids absorption. I'd be inclined to supplement 2-3000iu daily and retest again in April.
Carly, vitD3 is available in the UK up to 20,000iu without prescription. Toxicity is rare when <8,000iu daily is taken. I take 5,000iu daily but other members take up to 10,000iu daily when they can't absorbe/convert D3 via skin.
Thanks Clutter, do you know where you can get these higher doses from? A family friend is going through this too and we can't find anything above 1000iu in the stores.
Carly, Amazon is a good place to buy D3 online. Here's one as an example (we've used this brand in our household)
PS If you do buy through Amazon, please consider ging through Thyroid UKs affiliate link. See my post here
and Thyroid Uk's website here
I got 5, 000 ius and they also do 10, 000 ius on a well known online shopping store that begins with A. The capsules are small and easy to take. I am Vit D insufficient with a reading of 47 (range 50-290). Hope that helps xx
Carly, I've just bought and if you want higher doses
Please use the TUK affiliate link RedApple posted if you buy through Amazon.
If I bared my legs it would frighten people, lily white as never exposed to the sun, thank you for your advice though, much appreciated.
When first diagnosed with macular degeneration I looked loads up on it, I take two supplements, only advised to eat lots of greens etc...I know nutrition is important...I am young to have this but I think because I had radio iodine treatment a while ago it has effected my eyes. thank foul to have legs, when my sister and I went to Italy many years ago we wore shorts, we overheard a woman comment that she had never seen legs as white before! RUDE!!! Hence my apprehension in ever wearing shorts again
Should read thankful not foul!
Yes, I am very sensitive!!! however we are soon moving to a place with a garden...not had a garden before so I will be able to flash my legs to my hearts content, even if it alarms the birds and other wildlife it will do me good, p.s. I have some Irish blood in me so I think my skin is hard to tan?