A brief history - Diagnosed with ME 23 years ago. Plodded on over the years until a friend suggested that my problem might be my thyroid. Blood results at the time were: TSH 5.88, FT4 12.7, FT3 4.3.
Saw Dr Skinner who put me on thyroxine. Started on 25, then 50, 75, 100,125. Felt ok at first then started feeling worse than before. Hyper and then Hypo daily.
Sadly Dr Skinner died before I could discuss this problem. Own GP then lowered thyroxine down to 75 as my results were: TSH 0.02, FT4 18.1 FT3 6.3. I should be feeling my better with those results and felt ok for a while then it all went pear shaped again.
Decided to see Dr P who said that the reason for not feeling well (under statement)was because I had a problem with T4 T3 conversion due to problem adrenals. Does he say this to everyone? Everyone I read about who has seen Dr P seems to say the same thing!
Anyway stopped thyroxine that day (on his say so). Started on various Nutri adrenal supplements, PLus other vitamins etc.
Struggled on feeling no better, then after two weeks started Nutri Adrenal supplements which didn't agree with me so started on NDT. I reached 3/4 grain over the next four weeks with no improvement. If anything it's worse!
Saw Dr P again last week who decided to put me on HC.
My issue is: After only one day on 20mg of HC Cream (taken yesterday) today I feel the worse I have ever felt. Shaking inside, very weak legs and can't stop crying. I generally feel dreadful, too many symptoms to list!
After reading the STTM book, it sounds like I might have pooled T3 from the NDT. The feeling I have is horrendous and wondered if anyone else has had the same problem.
Should I carry on with the HC? Will this hideous feeling pass? Do I stopped the NDT in order to clear the T3 whilst I build up my adrenals etc etc?
Sorry for all the questions but I am desperate and don't know which way to go. Can anyone help and shed some light on why nothing seems to be working!!