Who would like better Thyroid treatments availa... - Thyroid UK

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Who would like better Thyroid treatments available or at least a choice?

MaryF profile image
36 Replies

To work towards this possible idea it just takes two steps.

1. Sign the petition

2. NOW pass it on to all your friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbours, via email, Facebook or other groups... Just imagine if 16,000 on here all helped to do this how many signatures we could have?



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MaryF profile image
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36 Replies
Ritaritarita profile image


MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Ritaritarita

That is great to sign, but please pass it on, via email, Facebook, Twitter, other forums.. to help it keep going please. Thank you. MaryF

Glynisrose profile image

I would but I will not sign any petitions, why? Because they are just swept under the carpet!! The BTA is ALWAYS consulted by MP's and they are the problem, they are hand in glove with the pharmaceutical companies that make levo, which is why they will never let us have a choice!! Last year in the US alone levo profits were $400 MILLION ... Kinda says it all.

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Glynisrose

Does not stop me trying or others, but each to their own. MaryF

Glynisrose profile image

I'm not saying we should stop trying, merely that we need to look for a different approach, you will A:WAYS get a standard letter from whoever, just because the government have said they will debate in parliament if there are a certain number of signatures does not mean they have to actually do anything about the problem.

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Glynisrose

No.... I understand your perspective, and if there were 100,000 plus signatures it would trigger a debate, many many people all around the world are trying to take action about this, In Scotland a debate has been triggered due to actions taken by some. However there has to be bigger support and more action by the public to get this on the agenda. I don't just sign petitions, I do many more things behind the scenes. Have a good week-end. MaryF

alangardner profile image
alangardner in reply to MaryF

totally agree ..... if we all buried our heads in the sand we would still be serfs without thoughts and feelings . but thankfully we are not still in the middle ages ....alan xx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to alangardner

Yes lots of people are helping and rather than just signing they are pushing it out and also writing articles! MaryFx

alangardner profile image
alangardner in reply to MaryF

i am not someone with either a glass half full or empty ............I ALWAYS think my glass is ALWAYS FULL .....that way there is no air or space within ----unlike my mind at times ....yuk yuk yuk .....alan xx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to alangardner

Yes petitions is only part of it, many of use are doing other things behind the scenes, talking to the right people. TUK have made great progress! MaryF

alangardner profile image
alangardner in reply to MaryF

that is 1 reason why I will ALWAYS support tuk AND all the good people here in any way that I can in any way that I can .....power to those that do !!

Glynisrose profile image

The difference is that in Scotland patients have been asked directly for their input, that is never going to happen in England! Another thing is that we have to pay for prescriptions whereas in the rest of the UK they don't......

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Glynisrose

Well being a proactive half cup full person, I tend to get on with doing something rather than doing nothing. The actions of a group of women in Scotland has made a huge difference not an agenda started by Scottish Parliament or the NHS! I find any form of negativity to be of no use to me, I have five conditions, and do not have time for it! Enjoy the rest of your week end. MaryF

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Glynisrose

ps I do look forward to any suggestion you have to raise awareness, give patients a choice and reach a wide audience through media, the government and various regulatory bodies, I look forward to supporting your venture with this. I have been led to believe also from behind the scenes that many are behind change now. MaryF

hymermad profile image

To not to sign a petition on the premise it will be swept under the carpet is a defeatist attitude in my opinion. Your claim Glynisrose may not be fact. And hey why not sign it and pass it on just I case it is not swept under the carpet! You have nothing to lose and everyone has so much to gain. C

hymermad profile image

To not to sign a petition on the premise it will be swept under the carpet is a defeatist attitude in my opinion. Your claim Glynisrose may not be fact. And hey why not sign it and pass it on just I case it is not swept under the carpet! You have nothing to lose and everyone has so much to gain

hymermad profile image

Oops! Twice

Ps and if everyone's attitude was not to sign because of incorrect facts, We'll we might as well give up all hope and let the drug companies and health service carry on killing us slowly while we allow it! NO NOT ME! SIGN it and PASS IT ON!

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to hymermad

Well of course the biggest problem in any situation is 'apathy'..... Lots of us do so much more behind the scenes than just sign petitions.....and pass them on and help with promotion, but a better use of my limited energy rather than anger! Mx

PinkNinja profile image

I shared it again last week and it was then shared by a good friend, after she and her husband signed it. OK, so that's only a few more signatures but it's better than nothing. Who knows, maybe one of her friends went on to share it.

Time to share again :D

howlyn profile image
howlyn in reply to PinkNinja

If we do nothing then nothing will happen we have to start somewhere.I signed and shared it all my family and friends have signed if we all stick together keep on signing and sharing.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to howlyn

Completely agree! Just shared it again. Maybe someone else will pick it up this time :)

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to howlyn

Yes...I am doing other stuff also. I have also put it in over 30 different groups and forums.. so here is hoping. MaryF

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to PinkNinja

Exactly, I sent it out to all my contacts by email and several signed and passed on, same with social network! MaryFx

Glynisrose profile image

I would never sign another petition, it has nothing to do with the subject, I have only just stopped receiving junk mail from the last petition I signed going back 8 months!! I am not defeatist but there must be another way rather than the 'official' channels that shut anyone down as soon as they access them.

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Glynisrose

I very much look forward to hearing about your alternative plans, lovely sunny day etc. MaryF

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Glynisrose

I've never received any junk mail whatsoever from any Government E-Petition that I've signed. And even if I did, my conscience would not let such a relatively trivial thing stop me from signing such an important petition. At least if we've all signed, we can feel confident in the knowledge that if this petition doesn't result in anything spectacular, it won't be for the want of trying!

If at first you don't succeed,

Try, try, try again.


MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to RedApple

Agreed with bells on, I am trying hard in cyber space to explain just saying 'signed' needs perhaps the next stage also, ie passing it on, people are responding well. - 13 sigs off 4,000 currently, best wishes to you. MaryFx

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to MaryF

Slowly but surely... only 5 more needed to hit 4,000 :)

Marz profile image

...just signed and was told - you cannot sign twice !! Must need my next B12 injection :-) Mx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to Marz

Ha ha, please pass it on to everybody you know via every means possible instead! MaryFx

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Marz

Lol! I did that with the last petition :D

Well, at least you know you signed it.

Carolyn xxx

I agree with you totally MaryF, patients in Scotland have only been asked for their opinion thanks to our petition. Yes there was only a requirement or one signature but the debate stood or fell on the quality of the argument. To get a foot in the door or highlight an issue is the starting point for all change. I regained my health thanks to Thyroid UK and the wonderful Dr Skinner. Nothing would have been easier than to waft off in to the sunset and enjoy my new found health but doing nothing to try to effect change and help others as they helped me would be terribly selfish.

We all have a duty to take action. Footprints on the sands of time are not made by standing still :-)

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

Yes I know I witter on and on and on and ON AND ON AND on..... etc But that is why I keep asking people to do more than just sign... off here I have put it in some other places and given it to a couple of journalists... who knows... I knew what you did was an example... looking forward to meeting up at the conference! MaryF xxx

LouiseRoberts profile image

36 to 4,000!!!! 36!!!!


36 people.....!?!?

Or 18 who get someone else to sign too..... or why not sign 'for' your significant other...!?

Or 12 who get 2 other people to sign too......

Or 6 who get 5 other people to sign too.........

You get the idea....! :)

We MAY not get anywhere with this petition - but there is something which is undeniable - apathy and negativity achieves nothing.

Sign, share, tweet! :)

Sunny days to all! :) :)



Glynisrose profile image

Red Apple aren't you the lucky one? I was getting 20 to 30 e-mails PER DAY with different names attached so there was no way of blocking them.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Glynisrose

You shouldn't get any junk mail from the government petitions. However, I had the same issue as you when I signed a petition through a different organisation. I think it was "Changes" or something. I had to unsubscribe because I was getting news about petitions I hadn't even signed! I haven't had that problem with government petitions though.

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