Has anyone experienced a swollen thyroid after taking NAX and NT? I have been on these NAX x 5 and NT x 4 daily for almost a year on the advice of Dr P and have become very aware of my thyroid gland over the last week - it feels tight in this area, but not very sticky-outy. I am a bit worried that these doses are causing a problem.
Swollen Thyroid on NAX and NT: Has anyone... - Thyroid UK
Swollen Thyroid on NAX and NT

I think it would be better to contact Dr P's office and explain your concerns. The staff are so very helpful - and will speak to Dr P if he is busy and get back to you with a reply.... As he has met you and knows your history - he is the one who will have the best answers.....
Thanks Marz, sensible advice. I was just wondering whether anyone else had had the same problem. As usual things have got slightly worse over the weekend!
I had right side of my thyroid removed with a small tumour and with in weeks of starting meds my left side grew to the size of a mans adam apple. Some days it goes down others I feel as though I have some thing stuck in the middle of my throat. I was told that my remaining part of thyroid trys to enlarge itself to compensate.
Hi I know this is an old post but my neck feels very tender and I have stopped taking it. What was the outcome?