Hello ladies and guys, your advice will be much appreciated. I self medicate, I should be having a test from my GP for my TSH and a scan for my goitre in a few months. I don't want my TSH number to be "normal" I want it to reflect what it really is. I am not willing to tell him I am self medicating, because if course my number was within range, but now so many of my symptoms have left the building that I really don't want his help. They offered NOTHING before and I was so ill for years. I plan on getting a blood test from blue horizon later so I will know what is really what. So should I go a couple of days without my NDT? And I know to try to get the test early early. For at least 7 or 8 years I begged my GP to help me, told me my thyroid was normal, then someone on this site and the ENDO I saw said my GP could never have tested it properly because they do not do it at queens. So really no matter what I do will it matter?? But still don't want to rock the boat so to speak. And shouldn't you ask for FNA when your goitre is big enough to feel?? It does press on my throat. Sorry to ramble just a little worried.
Free t4. 12.6. 11.0-26.0. TSH 2.09 0.35-4.50. Freet3 4.1. 3.1-6.8
This was my blood work before NDT and I felt horrible.
Vit d. 26.76. 50->200
Thanks in advance