I have been told to take Vit D 2000 by my doctor,buy it over the counter.Now as far as i have always believed,none of these vitamin pills work but has anyone with Hypothyroidism taken them and noticed any difference?....Blood reading is 32 nmol/L...Thanks all.
Vit D: I have been told to take Vit D 2000 by my... - Thyroid UK
Vit D

Vit d is crucial for good health. It protects you from several kinds of cancer and keeps your bones healthy among other things.
I was severely deficient and had to take a loading dose. It didn't succeed straight away - it can take months to build up - but I do notice that if I stop taking it the pain in my hands comes back.
Do a little research though because 2000iu may not be enough for you to get your levels up to optimum. imperialendo.com/for-doctor...
Not sure where you heard that vitamins do not work - but do be assured that the drug companies do have ghost writers putting out negative points about vitamin and minerals.
Vitamin D is crucial to life - and was/is part of the story of evolution. Dr Michael Holick has written a good book after more than 20 years of research into VitD - The Vitamin D Solution. Of course people taking statins will not be able to metabolise the UVB rays into the skin to make VitD - it is a crucial part of the uptake. Just with VitD we can see two things that have changed in the last 30 years - sun creams blocking the UVB rays and Statins. No wonder people are becoming ill with no obvious causes. It is all very subtle.
VitD is a steroidal pre-hormone and all 13 trillion cells of the body have VDR's - VitD receptors - in the nucleus of each cell. So its pretty important stuff.
Look at the chart on the Grassroots website and you will see what dose is need to bring your levels up to OPTIMAL. Convert your reading to ng/mL ( divide by 2.5 ) and you will see that you may need to work up to more than 2000 IU's.
I take 10,000 IU's daily - but then I have Crohns - and yes it works. After 2 years I am now optimal. I have lived in Crete for 10 years and both hubby and I tested insufficient two years ago ! You could also browse the Categories for Vits and Minerals on the right of this page or type VitD into the Search Box at the top of the page on the Green Bar. There may just be more gems for you to read about. The topics below on Read Next may also help !
Good Luck....
The vitamin D supplement you need is D3 and not D2. You can order through Amazon as Thyroiduk.org get a small commission.
Hi Vit D takes about 3 months to fully affect the blood,Then it should be retested to check the levels, annual once oK at least. Treatment usually for ,life. Unless at any stage the calcium goes over range. This must always be tested with the v it D, separate test,always even before any treatment.. Calcium is an electrolyte so must not be out of range, D usually makes it go up, unless too low ( under range)to start with, then you may need both, NICE.
D is hormonal so should be on a script, under an Endo, ideally, if not under a GP who understands it!
best wishes,
I feel loads better for taking Vit D. Endo asked my GP to prescribe when my level was a little lower than yours. I was put on a booster dose of 20,000 IU once a week for I think it was 12 weeks then retested then started on Adcal+D3, 800 IU daily. Just been retested and a small increase on the maintenance dose so good! I was also recommended years ago to take vits and minerals but didn't always keep it up but as my thyroid results suggest I may not be converting well I am being more strict and take B12, zinc, selenium and magnesium and beginning to feel the benefit. For thyroid problems you need levels to be optimum.
I wouldn't dream of not taking vitamin D now. I use a D3 3000 oral spray and my vitamin D is in a good place now.
There is a lot if evidence around saying that it is a very good thing to take - look at the links that Marz has included. I've just written off the cynics.
I also take CoQ10 / ubiquinol, B12, VitaminC, some Brazil nuts for magnesium and although it costs a fortune I think the whole package is keeping me feeling good, I rattle but I feel good
Also good to take K2 with VitD - Dr Mercola has some good information about it and sells a D Spray with K2 I believe....
I had my VitD levels checked year or so ago and it was low, so my GP prescribed 1000 ius every other day. I'm actually taking combined Vit D3 and K2. My most recent test showed Serum Vitamin D as 98 nmol/L where anything above 50 nmol/L is considered sufficient (previously 41). Yours is borderline deficient but definitely insufficient. Important to take it with food apparently which I do and it seems to work, my diet hasn't changed, so I am taking up the stuff.

Yes, good point. No one told me to take it with food and despite taking a loading dose for months my levels didn't improve significantly for ages.
It is a fat soluble vitamin so ideally should be taken with some fat.

When you divide your result by 2.5 it translates as 39 ng/mL. On the Grassroots Health website which I posted earlier - they do suggest a level of 60 as optimal. So according to their advice it is suggested you may need 2000 IU's daily to reach the optimal level.
It is a Canadian website and has lots of good research and comments - may look old fashioned but full of information. Pleased your Doc has his eye on things....
Until I read this article on the flawed research behind the testing of multi-vitamins, I didn't think they worked. In any case, check it out: globalresearch.ca/flawed-re...
Hi,just got back from my docs who explained everything to me.I am in quite good nick he said apart from my Vit D,Thyroid underactive and Scoliosis is slight and is quite common in a lot of people.I am already on Thyroxine and still undergoing regular bloods and he put me on 500 mg of Naproxen twice a day for my aches and pains.Does anyone know if there is any way i can really give my Vit D a real boost besides the pills and eating dairy produce etc as he recommended?
Looks like you should do what puncturedb says and take it with some sort of fat. Good to know you're in good health apart from your Vit D,Thyroid underactive and Scoliosis . I'm impressed that your doctor actually tested your Vit D for you! I had to pay fir my own testing.
You have been given a variety of websites to look at so possibly there will be some answers there for you. Many people have tried to help you. VitD will help pain by the way.....especially pain in the bones. You could emigrate to the equator to ensure you have sunshine on over 40% of your body daily - sitting in it for at least 20 minutes without protection. Sun preps will block the process of producing VitD in the skin. I also suggested a book earlier - that too will have loads of advice.
If you don't want the pills then try a spray....
A good dose of sun on arms and shoulders every day.
I have had hypothyroid for 20 years and readings ok with medication. Was suffering from fatigue for no reason. Am a vegetarian but not anaemic. Was put on a course of Vitamin D3 and Neurobion (Vitamin B) . Felt really good after a few weeks.
Vitamin D worked with me along with Vitamin B complex
I recently started on Vitamin D having been found to be deficient. Within a few hours of the first dose my mind seemed a lots clearer and I had a lot more energy. I have even been doing housework and sorting out things I have neglected for months. Why doesn't your doctor prescribed if he/she thinks you need it. There was a good link to the vit D society on this website recently and a leaflet.

I wonder if the deficiency was keeping your thyroid meds from working well (if that's how it works)...
Interesting reading all these comments. I had my thyroid out in early Feb. my calcium & vit D levels were too low & I had major problems including becoming hypo calceamic 4 times.hospital admitted they shouldn't have operated! Then my calcium level went too high 2.99 and I was told to stop calcium by GP.
Consultant went mad and put me back on 1000 a day three weeks ago. Dr and Consultant don't agree!
Last blood test showed calcium at 2.4. Taking 1000 vit D. My original reading was 18! Don't know what it is now. Getting blood test this Monday. Still think it's too low. I have pains everywhere. Numb feet, burning in feet and legs, also hands occasionally. Numb patches come and go across my body and head. Feel like I'm losing it. The anxiety and stress are enormous. Why does the NHS have a one size fits all for everyone with thyroid problems regardless of what they are? And they never tell you what to expect after thyroidectomy! My T4 is 16.4 and F T3 10.2. Also my parathyroids are not working. Just at 1. Does anyone think I need more vit D? I would love to know your opinions. I sitting in sun as much as I can
My family think I am expecting too much too soon, but going through this experience, like many of you know, it's exhausting. All thoughts gratefull received folks.
If you have hypoparathyroidism then you should be prescribed a combined VitD/Calcium supplement.
Thank you Hypohen. Didn't know I had that! Not been mentioned. Seeing GP and Consultant this week. I shall be asking!!!!!
In Canada, everyone takes vit D supplements as a matter of course. Especially for men if they have prostate problems. It helps lower PSA readings. Our family been doing this as prostate problems inherent. My husband now takes them on his brothers recommendation. You need a high dose.
I have been taking 10,000 IU a day of D3 for the past two weeks and have noticed a huge reduction in pain levels. I have also been taking sublingual b12, magnesium, folic acid, vegan K2 and probiotics.