I have just been told I am in early menopause (at 37) FSH is75 and lh 36, could this be due to Thyroid levels. My TSH level came back at 3.14 and free T4 is 8.4 from what I have found on the internet this is high TSH and low FT4 but within the normal range in the UK, although would be out of normal range in the US. I have my next GP appointment this week and want to have informed questions to ask. For reference my TSH was 1.23 in 2006. Does anyone have any advice?
Early menopause / Hypothyroidism advise on bloo... - Thyroid UK
Early menopause / Hypothyroidism advise on blood test results.

When your hypothyroidism is treated your other hormones may recover. I don't know if your GP will acknowledge this. I think the FSH test is quite unreliable
Thanks for your reply. I am concerned that I will be pushed down the route of HRT when the underlying problem is in fact Hypothyroidism but due to the UK normal range I will not be diagnosed or tested further for this. Just want to have as much information as possible so I know what to ask the GP and have an informed discussion.
I suppose you could ask for referral to an Endo, but be careful which one
I went to my GP years ago and asked if I could increase my dose of thyroxine. As an after thought I mentioned I hadn't had a period for 6 months. Blood test taken and results said menopausal and I was put on HRT. I took this for 10 years and was then taken off. At this time I wasn't too good so went back to taking my basal temperature. After a few months of doing this it showed I was still ovulating! I would suggest thyroxine to see what happens and not rush into HRT.
Thanks Silverfox7. That is exactly what am concerned will happen. After hours of internet reading i am convinced that hypothyroidism is a possible cause and want this looked into further/treated. Any suggestions of how I can lead this disscussion with my gp, questions I should ask, test to ask for? Given that my bood tests are within the uk normal range will hyperthyroidism simply be dismissed? My sister and niece both have underactive thyroid is this worth mentioning? Can anyone reccommend a good endo, I live in Hampshire?
Hi hb3427 'iv just ad my tests bk for overactive thyroid n like u mine are within levels for UK,,but I feel like its still still overactive...my doc got quite irritated when I questioned this..he firmly said your thyroid levels are OK..your symptoms are the menopause eventho he as had me on seven different types of antidepressants and h.r.t and none have worked..this is 2 years down the line and I'm still fighting the doc..I have found that if your levels are OK,,,according to UK testing the doc will not send u to the endo my endo refused to see me given my results were in normal levels..eventho I'm still Alvin horrid symptoms..my thyroid as gone overactive four times so I think I know the symptoms..you will need to push your doc..today I did.n now he thinks it might b overactive adrenal glands!!!!!!!!,..so bk to the endo for me n a 24 hr urine collection ''',,nice!!!!!
Good luck at the docs don't give in push him to reffer u
Yes, you must mention your family members who have hypothyroidism. I went into early menopause at one point because of mismanagement of my hypothyroidism. At 47 I changed doctors (when I was living in the USA ) and got better treatment. I went into real menopause at 58. Good Luck!
Thanks JanePound. It seems pretty common to be told it is early menopause when if fact it is hyporthyroidism, I'm only just 37!
Can anyone advise in simple terms (im new to this and its so confusing!) what tests I should be asking the GP for and a bit of basic info to say why? I want to have a good case to put forward to the doctor and not sound like I have plucked all these T 3, 4, TFH, FT4..... out of thin air! I hope someone can help?