For a few years now I have noticed, as has my dentist, that I have a lot of dental plaque. Really a lot. My dentist hints I am not cleaning my teeth nor flossing but I floss (almost) daily, and brush my teeth up to four times a day. Every day. Every thing I drink or eat seems to immediately pile on the plaque and I look like I've not brushed in weeks so have to go and brush again. My partner brushes only once daily and has no plaque.
I researched this and apparently it is due to excess calcium in the blood, but my research stopped there as I couldn't find a causal factor for the excess calcium.
Until last night, when reading Stop the Thyroid Madness.
Calcitonin is the fifth component of the thyroid, and the fifth component of NDT. But I'm on T4 & T3, so no added in calcitonin, and I have all the symptoms of under treated hypothyroidism. I then read that calcitonin responds to too-high levels of calcium in the blood and inhibits the release of more calcium from the bones to the blood. It plays a role in prevention of osteoporosis - I have osteopenia.
So (possibly) QED, does my excessive dental plaque indicate a lack of calcitonin and thereby, under-treatment of my hypothyroidism? Would my GP accept this "evidence"?
Does any one have any views on my "logic" about this?