1)FT3: I have never had it tested and I am wondering if I should get it tested before I start treatment.
Quick background info:
TSH alwasy in normal ranges over the last 6 months 1.4(Aug), 3.4(Jan) and 2.4(March) Ranges 0.35-5.5
FT4 normally mid range except for January when it went down 13.4(10-19.8)
TPO ab now over 1000 (0-100) started at 92 in the autumn.
Symptoms mixed hyper and hypo, sometimes have only hypo ones, sometimes only hyper ones other times bit of both.
Got doctor to agree to trial T4 starting at a dose of 25.
I was going to start tomorrow but then wondered if it would be a good idea to have private blood tests before I start. Is it worth it or would I just be wasting my money? Any opinons welcome.
2) my other question is about antibodies. I have only had tpo tested as I was told I don't qualify for having the other antibodies tested (read too expensive) would it be worth to have the thyroglobulin one tested too? I got really confused when I was at the doctors yesterday. First he told me that 10-15% of the population will have high tpo ab and won't have an autoimmune disease which is fair enough I have seen it mentioned in several places but I suspect these individuals are the ones that don't have symptoms YET.
But then he said " you have high antibodies which means you will then either go hypo or hyper and develop what is called Graves disease" I thought that when you have antibodies you already have Hashi or Graves and the end result is going hypo for Hashi or going hyper for Graves. Is that wrong? Could I have Graves instead of Hashi? My symptoms do swing from hyper to hypo which I thought was a very typical thing of Hashi... I haven't really looked into Graves at all because when I came across Hashi I felt I probably had found what was wrong with me. Can you have high TPO ab with Graves as well as with Hashi?