Just got back from my third endo. appt. and I have been in tears.
He asked how I had been and told the last few weeks I had not been very good.
Ran off my list of symptoms, fatigue, even after sleeping 10 plus hours, aches and pains, constant anxiety,
some days feel depressed, weight gain, pins and needles, tingling, lip and cheek numbness,
before I had chance to finish, he said oh dear and do you think its your thyroid.
I replied well yes but I think I need to sort my nutrients out, iron, ferritin, folate, B12 and Vit D as from the research I have done I know they need to be in the top quarter of the range for the thyroxine to work properly.
( I am supplementing with Vit D but stopped all other supplements to have the Active B12 test and as the result is in a grey area, I have kept off all supplements as I was going to ask endo if he would do the MMA and Homocysteine tests).
Even before I finished saying about the nutrients having to be in the top quadrant he butted in saying I know which research you mean and I don't agree with it. He then said I think I will write to your G.P. for you to see another endo. for a second opinion, and discharge you. I was taken aback by how quickly he made this remark.
I said well I will see someone privately to which he replied, don't waste your money as they all think the same as me. So what's the point in me getting a second opinion then?
I said I wondered if some of my symptoms are from low B12, I don't know but they are not to do with your thyroid he said.
My husband who had been sitting quietly said, well what is it then as something is not right as she is up and down like a yoyo. It was at this point my tears started and on seeing this and as though he was doing me a favour he said, I will ring your G.P. this afternoon to arrange about seeing another endo..
I said how are you convinced its not my thyroid, he said you are on levothyroxine, we increased your dose which you said did not suit you (on my fist appt. he said to increase from 100 to 150mcg but I decided to increase to 125 first then 150 and on the 150 I got severe palpitations and internal shaking so cut back to 125mcg and on this felt O.K. but on my last appt. I saw registrar who said my TSH was suppressed so said to go back to 100 when I said I felt better on 125 she said oh well alternate 100/125)
I explained all this to endo today and he said again symptoms are not because of your thyroid.
I ask about T3 and NDT and he said we don't use them.
I got up and said that is all there is then levo, everything is so black and white with this isn't it and said to my husband, come on I knew this would be a waste of time and with that we walked out just as endo. said I'm sorry if you think it has been a waste of time and gave me my discharge letter.
Before going at the reception desk they gave me a sort survey to fill in after the appt. but I was in such a state I just wanted to get out. I think I will fill it post it back to them to say what I really thought of my appt.
Recent results
TSH 0.10 range 0.35 - 4.70
T4 14 range 7.80 - 21.00
T3 4.4 range 3.8 - 6.0
Ferritin 65 range 15 - 300
Folate 9 < 3 suggests insufficiency
Iron 16 range 8 - 34
B12 394 range 180 -1130
Active B12 69 range 21.1 - 165
Vit D 71
I am seeing a Nutritonalist next week who looks and adrenals and gut issues so will hold off my supplements until then, but apart from that any comments and advice would be really appreciated.
Thank you rant over.