I am 62 this year and wondering how much of my hair loss is down to hypothyroidism, and how much to my age?
I have been hypo now nearly 20 yrs, and on T4 only until last year when I was allowed to experiment first with T4/T3, and then T3 only for much of the year. Recently I decided to add back in some T4 as I found the T3 only regime harder to manage (re doses and feeling unstable during the day at times).
I restarted T4 on Jan 12th gradually building up to 50mcg, and still keeping 20mcg T3 first thing, and another 10mcg added early afternoon. My temps are reasonable, though start low and climb during the day to normal or near normal, and my BP actually slightly better as more stable, though low first thing, like my temperature.
However, I have just noticed that my hair which I felt had been improving on my head is now thinner, and even more horrified to realise that I have virtually no hair on my arms now (v v fine), and I haven't shaved my legs or underarms for ages. Not sure when this happened, but feel that the T4 might be contributing. Is this possible? It was never like this when I took it for all those years!
I have an ME diagnosis on top of the thyroid one, (had it around 9 yrs now), and have been unwell with sore throat/virus symptoms since Dec 23rd with only small breaks in that. However I was on T3 only when this started, and feel that the damp/mould might be a factor in this part. I haven't bothered to go to the GP as I don't have much faith in them, but I could I guess have a full blood count done again. Not that she takes any notice when my lympocyte count is down, plus my platelets!!! (just below or borderline).
I am now wondering whether to cut the T4 again at least to 25mcg and increase the T3 - maybe phase the T4 out again.
Any thoughts? At least on the hair aspect anyway.