Good morning all
After being on thyroxine for 5 months I felt like I was finally at a steady 80% on most days, which was amazing considering how low we can all get. With Hampsters help I've fought for a compromise on my low b12 and have an injection on Friday.
However, on Saturday night/Sunday morning I felt nauseous. I had an awful sleep waking up with headache and sickness (please note, I haven't actually been sick). From Sunday morning appetite was completely gone and I've had waves of nausea. It's now Thursday and I've barely ate (when I say barely I mean I'm managing food once a day, the most being half a bagel eaten over the course of 40 minutes) because of horrific indigestion: I get full as soon as food touches my lips, it gets stuck there for what feels like an eternity and then I burp a lot afterwards.
I was originally trying to pass it off as eating too much dairy on Saturday (scrambled egg/cheese toast for brunch, a glass of milk which I rarely have, and a cheesy Mexican dish for dinner). But a) I've had much more than that and been fine and b) if it was lactose surely it would have past?
The thing that terrifies me is that these are the exact same symptoms I had last April/May when I first got ill. Last year it came on just as suddenly (woke up one morning with no appetite/severe indigestion when I tried to eat). I went through the ringer, had invasive and extensive testing, and all they could see was low b12 and thyroid antibodies.
Sorry this is so long winded but I guess my question is three fold. Could this be a hashi's "flare? Is there such a thing? Or could it all be related to the low b12 that my doctors have failed to treat properly?
My last thyroid test had my tsh at 0.05 which is what my endo wanted, so they reduced my does from 200mcg to 175mcg/200mcg on alternate dates.
The earliest I can see my GP is Wednesday. I'm really struggling. If it isn't my thyroid, and not b12, I really am at a loss of what to do
Thank you all