hi all didnt know what other site to use so came here as seems fitting with my symptoms in 2010 i had a kidney infection treated with loads of antibiotics previously healthy and fit, after infection slowly over the years i developed one symptom after another will list them at end of post, i had tsh done in 2010 as suffered constipation and 3 stone rapid weight gain ( eating same as did) results in 2010 were 2.33 deemed normal other results showed high CRP and B-12 deff had 1 round of tabs docs didnt retest hight WCB and high viscosity, auto profile neg and urine samples protein and wc present all the time also scans show 5-6mm swollen lymph nodes i was sent to gastro to urology pulling my hair out as they couldnt find the cause one said urinary issue the other ibs however 3 + years and im on the edge finally get sent to renal doc who thinks its not urinary/kidney but auto immune so took loads of blood and retesting tsh (still awaiting results) here are my symptoms
1) lost 3 stone but now stalled neither gained nor lost since nov 2012
2) numbness in legs toes and hands
3) cold
4) tiredness i just push on
5) headaches
6) gritty eyes
7) dry damaged straw like hair
8) bad sleeping patterns with sleep apena (cnt speel it)
9) irriatble
10 ) back and loin pain
11) body aches and pains
12) abdo pain
13) dry skin and eczema never had b4
14) body tenderness
15) fast pulse
16) i feel like dori the fish
17) eyebrow loss
18 ) dry mouth and urinating alot
19) hearing problems
20) constipation on/off
back in 2010 i took alot of meds and had dye for ct/mri and camera up bladder twice and one dye for kidneys im wondering if what started as a simple infection has upset my thyroid im intrigued to see what the results will be i have a follow up appointment in jan 2014 unless doc writes to me with them, im wondering if i should print a thyroid checklist and take it with me , done alot of research and b-12 and c reactive protein seem to link to thyriod i like to hear peoples opinions on if you had normal tsh levels and did they rise over the yrs b4 diagnosis and should i put my foot down and demand some real answers i dont no what im going to do if results r normal 4 yrs in jan and still clueless and feeling alien
for all those that asked what the ranges are i found the ranges for where my blood tests where carried out according to the pathology site at the hospital range is 0.3 --- 5.5 mIU/L so they havent lowered value ranges since last time , id be surprised if mine came back that high should i still push it if they come back higher than in 2010 ( 2.33mlU/L)