I'm surgically hypothyroid post ThyCa. I unilaterally stopped taking Mercury Pharma generic Levo in Sept, substituting with Mercury Pharma Liothyronine which I stopped taking 4th November.
The result is amazing. I feel the best I've been since thyroiditis onset late 2010. So many debilitating and distressing symptoms have disappeared or diminished.
I emailed endos saying I think the meds are poisoning me and requested they authorise my GP to trial other brands in the 3 months prior to our next consultation.
I have been asked to book an appointment with my GP to review my meds & discuss low VitD. I'll have to tackle the ghastly automated tel system at 6am to stand a chance of getting an appt.
Eltroxin has the same active ingredient and fillers as generic Levo so I'm not sure if that will be any better. I don't KNOW that I'm sensitive to acacia but its a starting point. Besides, the very last thing I need is anything which aids weight loss. I've gained 0.6kg since stopping levo.
Actavis doesn't contain sodium citrate or acacia powder so maybe worth trying. Other suggestions are welcomed.
Mercury Pharma Liothyronine contains acacia powder. I don't know if that is the problem but would like to know if there is an alternative T3 available?
Google hasn't been much help. Hoping you guys can.