Hi I’ve been given T3 on a trial basis .. my surgery ordered Mercury Pharma and I have just found out it has acacia powder in it .. I can’t have that powder when I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism I was given that make in levothyroxine and it made me poorly hence I only have accord in my levothyroxine.. Could anyone tell me if they’re taking T3 that hasn’t got that filler so I can order it ? Many thanks x
Help T3 please : Hi I’ve been given T3 on a trial... - Thyroid UK
Help T3 please

Image taken from helvella 's thyroid document and shows the two brands with acacia to avoid and those that don't have acacia.
Brilliant Thank you .. I will now try and get my prescription filled 🙏 xxx
I hope this trial goes well for you :
Thank you the list that seasidesusie sent is helpful .. I might see if I can get Accord and cut them as I take that in levothyroxine.. otherwise Roma is the only one that has 10mcg .. it’s hard work this T3 stuff 😞 xxx
I purchased a little pill cutter - it will gives you more options and with both T3 and NDT you must go low and slow building up the dose.
I guess you can see it as a bit of a faff but worth the effort to restore one's health and well being.
Thank you I will go slowly at first and I will buy a little pill cutter .. it would have been easier if I could cope with the acacia powder 🤦♀️ xxxx
Well at least you knew beforehand so knowing this has saved you unnecessary extra symptoms, that may caused you not to preserve with this trial.
Have you been advised how to take the T3 :
From memory I think your T4 was well up in the top quadrant of it's range so I think the suggestion is you need to " make space " for the T3 hormone and you likely need to drop your dose of T4 a little.
I don't take T3 so can't say much on this - if you are not sure - start a new question with your latest blood test and dose and ask how to introduce the T3 - Liothyronine.
Well the endocrinologist cut my levothyroxine from 100mcg to 50
And said take 10mcg of T3
I’m going to do it slow as he said just take it all when you wake ..
There is plenty of space for T3 lol 😂 it’s only one point from being under range 😞 xxxxx
So his thinking is the power of T3 to T4 is around a ratio of 1/5 :
Personally that wouldn't work for me - I take NDT and that is around a 1/4 ratio T3/T4 and suits me and many thousands of people very well :
Some people say T3 is around 3 times more powerful than T4 :
There is no exact science on this but I would ask forum members who take a T3/T4 combo for considered opinion.
These are my meandering thoughts on the relative potency of T4 and T3.
helvella - How much more potent is T3?
He told me 5 times stronger ? but I think that everyone is different ? He also prescribes Armour xxxxx
Yes - I know - that is what I wrote before but in a slightly different way :
The endo is suggesting T3 is 5 times more powerful than T4 :
So is cutting your dose of T4 by 50 mcg and suggesting you take 10 mcg T3.
But as we know it's subjective as we all utilise the thyroid hormones differently :
I can't afford to go private and self medicate :
I had no choice but to pay and I work NHS 😞 it’s just a trail as as most comments it’s not 5 x stronger .. if I don’t feel well I’ve got to call his secretary.. I’m not self medicating he said he is writing to my GP to put T3 on NHS repeat xxxxx
Hi lynnwin,
If I've read helvella's document correctly, isn't Accord listed as not available?
At the end of the row with Accord is a No Entry sign. That is because, despite having a UK licence, it has never been marketed.
I try to ensure my documents are as complete as possible - even if that means adding, or keeping, products that are not available.
Thanks .. they say it’s in stock .. I work in health care I will see if I can get it ? If not will go for Roma many thanks x
If your prescription says "tablets", you won't get Roma!
And if you do get Accord, please let me know so I can update the document
Accord don’t make T3. ( or not available)
Choice is
Teva - 20mcg - cut with pill cutter or cut with sharp craft scalpel to get 5mcg dose
Roma - 5mcg, 10mcg and 20mcg capsules
(can’t easily be split)
Sigma Pharma - 5mcg only

Current prices might affect what will be prescribed. Have a look!
Current NHS Drug Tariff Liothyronine Prices
Link to a blog post of Monthly NHS Drug Tariff prices for Liothyronine products from January 2023 onwards.
Also includes link to information for Scotland.
yikes 😳 even with a private prescription? Xxxx
These are NHS Drug Tariff prices - what the NHS has agreed to pay a pharmacy for dispensing the product. However, sometimes the cost to the pharmacy is higher and then the pharmacy loses out. (Or won't supply.)
With a private prescription, the pharmacy will almost always charge more. The difference could be small or very large. You have to ask.
This is one reason some request Thybon Henning from a limited number of helpful pharmacies. Almost inevitably ends up less expensive.
I do not take liothyronine so am not the best person to tell you more. Hopefully someone who does this will let you know the details.
Thank you so much I will enquire about Thybon Henning ? As I’ve seen this brand being mentioned .. I spoke to the pharmacy at the GP practice I work and she said take your prescription to a different pharmacy as they add on 20% here 🤦♀️ honestly it’s dreadful I worked through covid as a phlebotomist we were like cannon fodder and now I need help everything is a struggle 🤬 .. No perks working for the NHS that’s for sure xxxx
Judging by the demand from members here, you should set up as a private phlebotomist.
[That is meant as light-hearted banter. But many here have had to pay significant amounts to get blood taken for private testing. However, actually setting up to do it is very different to chatting.]
helvella's medicines documents (UK and Rest of the World) can be found here:
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
This link takes you to a page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and Google Drive, and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones.
The UK document contains up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrix for tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK.
I would be happy to bleed anyone local to me for FREE .. it’s hard enough feeling poorly without added cost 😞 I couldn’t even get a NHS endocrinologist appointment had to pay private .. all well and good getting claps through covid but I need help myself and it is costly 😞
Anyone one who needs a blood test in the Ipswich Suffolk area I’m happy to do it .. Would have to sign a disclaimer as insurance is expensive for me to take out xxxx
lynnwin, I too cannot tolerate acacia. I take Sigma Pharma 5mcgm liothyronine tablets alongside my Accord Levothyroxine tablets. My medication comes in the post via Springfield Pharmacy, Richmond on Thames. I had to search through the list of pharmacies that TUK supplies and make phone calls. That was about 5 years ago, it may be easier to obtain now.
It should be easier now because there are Sigmapharm tablets that are licensed by the MHRA. Same ingredients as the USA versions but different markings and in 5 and 20 microgram dosages. (Possibly slightly different proportions - that is something we simply do not know.)
You can also get liothyronine in liquid form.
Can you get any liquid liothyronine products in the UK?
So far as I am aware, there is no product with a UK licence.
(Other than some sort of buying over the internet.)
I expect there must be a liquid form for children ? X
No! I’m afraid here is none.
The tablets have instructions for dispersing/dissolving in water - which would be an obvious approach for children.
And there is the Italian Liotir - but not available in the UK.