How can I lose weight whilst being hypothyroid? - Thyroid UK

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How can I lose weight whilst being hypothyroid?

whispers profile image
24 Replies

Tsh was high last test 6 weeks ago,increased meds to 100, back for repeat test yesterday the doctor suggested Iose some weight, how do I do this when I know the increase is down to my thyroid problem.? I feel despair to be honest, I am sooooooo tired. :-(

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whispers profile image
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24 Replies
tegz profile image

I'm struggling to get thyroid treatment and lose weight to reduce BP.

I have tried low carbs- cutting out wheat too to help immune health.

The low carbs works- but energy levels can droop as they give a quick fix, as you probably know.

When one loses food input the body tries to store more fat due to grehlin and leptin hormones kicking in. It's a bummer, alright :~/ Best stick to low GI fillers like celery with cottage cheese.

Keep water intake up too- dehydration can present as hunger in later years.Hope this helps.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to tegz

PS: In case you're puzzled by the water connection I add that water can flush out toxins caused by dietary mistakes and poor living -otherwise they get stored in body fat, which is used for just that role.

When dieting, toxins can be released [with fat cell breakdown] and cause discomfort as they circulate again before excretion, [hopefully].

This is partly why people give up dieting- as they feel worse for a while.

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to tegz

Thsnk you, I will increase my water intake as I know I don't drink enough, I don't feel I need to diet to be honest, but what I am going to do is start a food diary, just to check what I am eating and how beneficial it is to my health, ( we all snack and possibly more than is good for us, without realising how much! ) I have been reading about the gluten connection, so thats something I am going to try cut out, its so difficult to concentrate at the moment though, it makes my brain hurt! x

Cheerfulone profile image
Cheerfulone in reply to whispers

My fitness pal is good app I find.

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to Cheerfulone

thank you i will look into that

roslin profile image

Please don't go to desperate measures like I did and join one of the VLCD. I lost 20 kg in a fairly short time but mucked my whole metabolism up. I did this twice as I put it all on again in between. I am also sure that it contributed (not caused)to my kidney cancer. I am now concentrating on getting my thyroid and other hormones working again before attempting to loose weight again.


whispers profile image
whispers in reply to roslin

I repkied to this but not sure where it went, the ipad seems to do random things with posts lol, thank younRoslin, I don't feel I need to diet as such, perhaps monitor what i do eat though, I have read up about the minerals store needing to be optimal to allow vitamins and such to work correctly, which in turn allows the t4 to convert and be absorbed correctly, anynof these out od sinc and the lot tumbles like a stack of dominos... but how donyou tell what you need suplimenting if the doc won't do the tests? I am looking into private testing now x

roslin profile image
roslin in reply to whispers

The Dr should at least test D3, iron, B12 and liver and kidney function. And glucose. Mine will not do other minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper so I was also thinking of doing it myself. TUK has info on private testing. The problem is that it all gets so expensive.


whispers profile image
whispers in reply to roslin

I will ask him, I had a glucose test done a couple of years ago, even though i told the nurse i had just drunk half a bottle ofnlucozade lol, of course the test came back with high glucose levels,mthe retest was normal x

greygoose profile image

This question has been asked sooooooooooooo many times, and the answer is always the same: get your thyroid hormones optimised! You cannot do it any other way. As your doctor would know if he had the slightest inkling about thyroid.

100 mcg levo is still a very low dose, but in any case, it's not the T4 that is going to make you lose weight, it's the T3, and I'm willing to bet that yours is too low. And if you have a convertion problem it won't matter how much levo you take, your T3 is going to remain low. But he's only going to find that out if he actually tests the FT4 and the FT3 together.

So tell your doctor that your magic wand is broken, but that if he'd care to do his job properly, weight loss might actually be an option!

Hugs, Grey

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to greygoose

Seems my Doc is an ignoramus in this conditionthen Grey he refuses to test for anything other than TSH, he has tested once for my ferratin levels,has never tested for antibodies, my vits, cakcium etc etc, he doesn't think its needed as hypothyroidism is usually genetic ??in his opinion, after having a perforated duidenum ulcer two years ago, ( input on 3 stone over a year after this op, had stopped smoking too, i weighed 8 stone 4 lb prior)) and a hysterectomy and wall repair last september my levels have been very unstable, resulting in swinging from high TSH to overmedicating so giving me hyper symptoms ??. When I went for my last blood test I mentioned how my abdomen bloats when my levels are playing up, ( i look 8 months pregnant as it bloats from my ribcage down) and the fact that I get incredible migraine like headaches, stiffness etc etc plus belching ??....his reply, lose some weight that will help, you need to exercise....I physically do not have the energy to exercise!! I am desperatley seeking a doctor that understands and is sympathetic to this condition here in leeds but I'm struggling! thank you for replying.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to whispers

Yes, he is indeed an ignoramus! And I'm so sorry you're stuck with him. He is so wrong on all levels. Hypo can be genetic, but not necessarily. And testing frees, antibodies, vits and minerals is essential. Your hysterectomy wouldn't have helped things either! As that further unbalances hormones.

What you say about the bloated abdomen... Is it soft, like fat? Or is it hard? Does it feel like wind? Does it pit if you poke it? Because it sounds to me like you could have an adrenal problem, so that's another thing that should be tested.

As for the exercise, he really doesn't know what he's talking about (oh, never, never talk to a doctor about diet and losing weight! They just don't know anything about it!!!). Exercise certainly isn't going to make you lose weight and it could make you more hypo because it will use up your hormones which are already in short supply! Ignore him.

Yes, you really do need a change of doctors. Have you checked on the main web site for the list of good docs? I'm afraid I don't know anything about that as I don't live in England.

Hope you get something sorted out soon, Grey x

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to greygoose

If I use this last episodefor an example, its usually solid and hard and I feel a lot of pressure, it restricts my breathing too, but it was only like that for a few days, then it reduces, and I get my normal wobbly smaller belly back lol, I've always had a flat stomach so I hate this now! lol , I do have a lot of wind to be honest x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to whispers

Even so, it might be a good idea to get your adrenals tested. Maybe a private test to test the whole lot in one go? If that's financially possible, of course.

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to greygoose

yes I think thats the next step, Think its going to cost a few hundred british quid, which is going to be a struggle but If it helps my health its money well spent. thank you so much for your responses, they have really helped and made me feel better in myself x

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to greygoose

I looked on the main website for a list, you have to purchase the information pack (unless i have read it incorrectly) at £13 so i thought i would look into joining the site as a member, thinking the information pack would be included, but it isn't? I will look on the British Thyroid Foundation website see if they have any information. thank you x

in reply to whispers


You do not have to join - or buy the Information Pack - to get the Doc list, you can submit this form:

We also have a list of 'good' NHS Endos that you can get by emailing me:

No, the Information Pack is not included in the Membership (£20 or £15). The Pack is a comprehensive package of information which costs £9.99 plus p&p.

The Membership give you 4 full colour issues of our quarterly magazine, access to free online seminars, discounts with supplement companies and first refusal on tickets to conferences and seminars.


whispers profile image
whispers in reply to

thank you sooooo much Louise

I would go with greygoose on that one. First diagnosed with Hashi's 10 years ago and once properly medicated the weight fell off on its own, no imput from me. Had a crises 2 years ago and put on a lot more weight this time. Its taking a while to get my medication right, and I am not there yet, but I can already see some of the weight disappearing again.

I am one of life's skinnies so I know immediately (apart from other symptoms) that my medication needs tweeking.

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to

Hi, yes I found that once my levels were within 'the normal range' I lost a little bit of weight I have photos from last year where I look bloated, and later on in the year wherenits gone, the same again this year. I have always been slim, too slim my family would say, usually around 8/8 n half stone, size 8/10, now Im just over 11 stone size 12/14 x

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to

I am so glad that there are some positive outcomes, it gives one hope that this does not have to be a life sentenceof feeling so ill, all it takes is a doctor that understands, I will keep pushing my doctor but will continue to try and find one n recommendation x

sohie profile image

Yes you can lose weight I have had a underactive thyroid for 30 years they found out I had it when I was 2 weeks old,yes I put on weight but only if I overeat,I lose weight easily if I try ,hopefully you will be to lose weight to.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to sohie

Hi Sophie, now I don't want you to think I'm being picky, but when you say that you've had an underactive thyroid for 30 years, what exactly do you mean?

Do you mean that for 30 years you have had a high TSH and low frees but you've still managed to lose weight? Or do you mean that your thyroid hasn't worked properly for 30 years but your levels are well maintained by thyroid hormone replacement, to the point where losing weight isn't a problem?

Because it's not the same thing. Because if the latter, then saying what you've just said to someone who is only on 100 mcg levo and is suffering all the symptoms of low thyroid hormone, with all due respect, isn't very helpful, is it.

It isn't the fact that the thyroid doesn't work well that makes people put on weight and not be able to lose it, but that they don't have enough T3 to allow their body to function correctly. If that T3 is adequately replaced, then it's easier. You see what I mean? And that was what I was trying to get across above.

Hugs, Grey

whispers profile image
whispers in reply to sohie

Thank you for replying Sohie I am so pleased that you are finding that your condition is managed, I have had an underactive thyroid problem for over 20 years too, on a very very low dose of 25mcg, and although I wasn't 100% feeling well I was able to function, I then weighed between 8 and 8 and a half stone, this weight priblem has occurred in the last two years after the incidents I have listed above, I too am trying to be careful with what I eat but there is sooooo much conflicting information on what is a healthy diet for people with this condition that I am amlittle lost. At the moment I am eating verynlittle as I have no appitite, when I do eat its fruit and veg and meat, little but often. You are right in what you are saying, if the weight increase is due to over eating then its easily resolved. I am sooo pleased that you are optimal though, it gives hope to those of us who are not x

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