I was on 1 3/4 grains of Armour and I think i have been left too long on my Armour doses. I started at 1.5 for 2 months then 1 3/4 for 2 months. I had my bloods done and am still waiting on the FT3 result, but i raised my dose anyway because of symptoms. I felt great and back to my old self, barely any vertigo, clear thinking, me really. But over the past week Ive had insomnia for 3 nights (not in a row thankfully). Two of those nights were solved by some valerian root tea but last night i had two cups and i still took ages to fall asleep. Three days ago i dropped the Armour to 1 3/4grains and old symptoms came back, mainly vertigo. So i put the dose back up and had awful insomnia last night.
Could this indicate an adrenal problem or am I just adjusting? I had a adrenal stress profile done in december and i looked at that again and realised that my morning ranges were low but also at the time i was gettin up late at 11am so im not sure how it correlates.
8am- 11.3 (12-22)
12 midday 12.7 (5-9)
4pm- 4.6 (3-7)
12 midnight- 1.8 (1-3)
my am DHEA was 0.68 (in range) and afternoon was 0.37(out of range). my DHEA mean was 0.53 (0.40-1.47)
DHEA; Cortisol ratio 1.73 (2-6)
Im thinking i need adrenal support but i dont think i will get it from my GP so i want to do it with vits/ herbs/ otc adrenal support. What do you think? i dont think its so severe to warrant HC at the moment but i could be wrong. These are readings from december and i do need another one done.
any advice greatly welcomed! I know im so close to getting better and im now tweaking but im going crazy with this xx