Last year my hubby’s friend was talking about his wife’s diagnosis of CFS/ME, she was off work for 6 months with depression (given Ads) and had various blood tests (all within normal ranges). The symptoms matched CFS/ME (1 in 300) and so she was sent to a specialist clinic and support group sessions to learn about pacing, coming to terms with being ill, CBT etc. armed with a brochure and CD (which I later looked at – so depressing and unhopeful!) Nothing could be done and she was left to ‘cope’.
So I stuck my nose in, and said, my doc suggested CFS/ME too after my Thyroid op , I thought it was a bit of co-incidence and have begun taking VitD for starters. You need to get her last few blood test results, print outs, to make sure she’s tested for Thyroid, irons, ferritin, folate, B12 and Vit D to start with. He got them and presumed I knew about everything! Nope only just researched a few. All irons were low range & TSH 1.5 (not too high but no idea what time the test was taken). No VitD test, not even when specifically asked for – I said you should have tests before taking supplements.
Anyway, he got her some D3 drops, B12 and ferritin anyway, (and she’s now avoiding gluten too). It’s a big step to take your health into your own hands, but he’s had a brain tumour and said 'life’s too short!' sometimes you just need a little help.
I knew she was feeling better as she’s back at work now, but today he came and told me he had accompanied her to the doctor and said that she was better, no thanks to them! (The doctor noted the improvement with surprise) And that they should consider simple vitamin deficiencies before labelling folks with something so hopeless, she wasn't depressed at all! (not been taking ADs for a while it seems).
I'm posting this in case it helps others with a diagnosis of CFS/ME, the symptoms CAN be something else, and there IS hope, please keep fighting for an answer. Jane