Hello, newbie here, writing on behalf of my wife who "allegedly" has had hypothyroidism. The story: Circa 16/17 years ago we had trouble trying for kids and routine blood tests suggested that she had hypothyroidism. This we found odd as if anything she had what we understood to be the complete opposite symptoms wise. Perfect figure, bags of energy, never tired. Anyway with the wanting kids thing (you try anything) she was put on Levothyroxine. Within a few months she felt "rough" and very quickly went from 9st to 11st which she has struggled to lose ever since. The thyroid function we were told was the reason we couldn't get pregnant but seemingly wasn't. Subsequently we had two rounds of IVF 8 years apart and fell pregnant both times (now have two great kids). All this time she was on the L.thyroxine. As of now she has been long term taking 100uG daily with regular blood tests. Still not able to lose weight, no energy and tired all the time. Mentioning this to our GP and attempts to up the dose to 125uG daily gave heart palpatations so back down to 100uG. One day a locum GP was there who referred her to an endocronologist who was a friend.
After more blood tests she was put on T3 in addition to the Levothyroxine but this made her feel as though her heart was stopping and short of breath. She only did this for about a week as it made her feel so ill. According however to the endocronologist she was now "perfect" according to blood tests - she was not!
So back to 100uG. The only alternative he offered was to go on Armour Thyroid on a private prescription. We were initially quoted £115 in Feb this year for 3 months supply. Money being tight we left getting the Armour until now. Ordering from Lloyds chemist and having been assured the price would only have gone up by a few pounds on collecting them today the figure was £274 for the 3 months supply!
Any helpful comments as to the diagnosis etc and alternative sources would be much appreciated!
BTW, her father who is 82 WAS diagnosed 2 years ago by a routine blood test with hypothyroidism and told to take L.thyroxine. As he had NO SYMPTOMS and was VERY FIT my wife advised him NOT to. They monitored him over the course of two years again telling him he needed the drug. Recently its come back to their "normal" which amazed the GP. Is it a failing on their part or just maybe a family trait that they show seeming low thyroid function which is in fact normal for them. BTW for the last 3 years her dad has done a 7 lap sponsored bike ride around Brands Hatch with our 14 year old and takes NO DRUGS for any ailment and has a cholesterol of 4, chops wood every day for a wood burning fire and does not stop all day!
With hindsight my wife would NEVER have taken the stuff.
Thanks in advance.