Hi - I've suffered from IBS for over 10 years. A recent bout of gastroenteritis abroad triggered and flared up my condition and the past 9months have been hell!. After an intense set of medical tests (colonoscopy, endoscopy, stool tests, ultrasound etc) I was told the results didn't suggest anything serious. Although this was reassuring, I was left helpless with no cure for my extreme symptoms.
Just before Xmas I started taking Symprove (friendly bacteria) in an attempt to re-build my gut (led by myself - as so desperate for help)! Initially, I felt worse, the bloating was crazy but I have noticed a gradual but considerable improvement.
I also came across the Fodmap diet, I read 'IBS - free at last' and over the past two weeks removed some of the suggested food groups (garlic/onions, wheat, lactose). I am feeling SO much bette - a significant improvement.
For starters, the bloating has reduced ( I had to go up a size in clothes for comfort!) and the violent episodes (6/7 a day) have almost completely stopped. My body has begun to regain its normal shape, I can enjoy hot yoga (previously struggled with breathing and nausea when pressure applied on stomach). I have a full on job and I can actually last during the day without having to rush to the loo during serious meetings with senior management!!
I'm on time for work as I don't have to wait an extra half hour before leaving due to frequent visits to the loo (too afraid to get on the tube)!
I"m seeing a dietician next week to take me through the fodmap diet properly (after much insistence I was able to get a referral from my gastroenterologist). I thought I would make a head-start and have been encouraged by the initial impact. Last night, I was out for a fancy meal and actually enjoyed the entire evening AND felt fine afterwards.
Although I miss eating the food I love, I don't miss it enough to want to experience the pain I was in all day (and sometimes even during the night).
As I mentioned earlier, it is early days but i'm feeling fairly positive!