I have had the symptoms of IBS for a year and a half now, diagnosed for a few months. In recent weeks the cramps, pains and nausea (which were always uncomfortable).have grown increasingly worse especially first thing in the morning. As I am in final year of university and have class at 9 on a monday-wednesday, my usual option of taking a hot water bottle to bed and hoping it goes away doesn't work. Can anyone recommend anything for this?
Morning nausea/pains: I have had the symptoms of... - IBS Network
Morning nausea/pains

hi, try crystal ized ginger , for nausean windease for cramps , regards val136 burnley lans uk , where are u ,,, in america , !!
Many thanks I'll definitely try that! I'm in the UK
Diamonchick - have you asked your GP to test you for coeliac disease (antibody + enzyme blood test). I also had nausea and felt dizzy a lot (yet didn't have the typical stomach problems that a large majority of coeliacs do). It's an auto-immune disease which necessitates a gluten free diet (only after a proper diagnosis or results are fake). Well worth asking your GP about see here:
Hi FionaGFG. Two coeliac blood tests, carried out 6months apart came back positive however the endoscopy came back negative. I then had a colonoscopy and it came back negative. After this my specialist told me he was going to diagnose it as 'just IBS'. One of my doctors is still convinced that I am coeliac and every few months wants me to go for the blood test and she hopes to send me back for another endoscopy!
Aha - well keep up the tests and continue to eat gluten (even if you drop down on the amount so it's still in your system). It's annoying as some Gastros take a good selection of biopsies some just take one. The official diagnosis of coeliac appears to be totally flattened villi but there's obviously a stage before that so maybe you're just ahead of the game. Good job you have a Dr on yr side doing regular checks.
You might find these interesting reading - but keep eating the gluten or the tests will never show a true story:
I know it's American but they are leading the way in a lot of coeliac research
Good luck with it hope you get it sorted. It takes on average 10yrs + for a coeliac to get diagnosed so you're not alone. Our group - Gluten Free Guerrillas here on HealthUnlocked sees so many members fobbed off with IBS for years only to be diagnosed eventually.
Thanks!! This is the only doctor who has given me the time of day since the very beginning so I'm lucky on that respect!
Very lucky - hang onto that one ! They are very rare. Good luck.