Has anyone had this. Constant pain. Only stops when asleep but have woken at times and it was there. Started on left navel about 3 inches to left and a couple above then moved to same place but on right and moves every few days Goes along top colon at times now it is moving all over upper sides lower left to lower right. I feel but don't look bloated. Can ibs do this I have had flares for years but the pains to left and right ends only for a few years. Had camera up when I first had it totally clear. Had ultrasound this year and ct end last. This flare is in its sixth week. Drs say just ibs but the pain is always somewhere. Not agony but it is really getting me down. Tried Silicol but wonder if it has worsened it. Do these type if pains sound familiar. Also how long do your flares last Thank you
please help constant moving pains: Has anyone... - IBS Network
please help constant moving pains

Would you say you were more on the constipated side or diarrhoea. It sounds like you might be constipated to me! I don't have flares, mine is everyday!
No not constipated. Go several times a day right now.
You say you go several times a day RIGHT NOW! How many times a day were you going before this started six weeks ago. Has the consistency changed at all?
Has always been like that on and off especially if I am stressed. Feels like whole digestive system is a mess.
Hi again, I have read through your profile and past posts and you seem to go through phases of this. Hence your mention of flare-ups. I am sure it's nothing to worry about. It sounds like classic IBS to me. I have had it for 35 years now. Mine is everyday, so I am kind of used to it, but I still have times when is worse than normal. I have been having a pretty rough time myself the last few month but hoping it is on the change again now! I totally agree with your comment about the whole digestive system being a mess. When my tummy was more runny, I didn't generally have problem up the top (ie heartburn etc), but now my tummy is less runny I have more things like that and headaches too. I don't know what's worse, diarrhoea or constipation. With diarrhoea my insides stung like hell but with the way it is now, I get a lot of other problems.