Hypnotherapy for nausea: Hi everyone, I’m a... - IBS Network

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Hypnotherapy for nausea

Baenav profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone, I’m a regular contributor to the site, or at least I answer questions from fellow sufferers. I thought I had total control over my IBS; I seem to have largely addressed the upper gut pain that I’ve had for 20 odd years, but Im frequently having periods now where the nausea is pretty wearing. I don’t like to moan about it on this site as I know that there are many who suffer far worse than I do, but I just wanted to know if any of you have tried hypnotherapy in order to try and address this condition? My daily routine is as follows: after I wake up, I stretch for 20 minutes (I’ve developed sciatica which is a pain, literally), have a drink and then go for a walk (20 mins to 1 hr dependent on my work schedule). My breakfast is either granola or muesli and fruit - But I won’t eat until I get back from my walk - I was predominantly IBS-C and I like to ‘go’ before I have breakfast. Lunch is crackers and a spread of some sort. I aim to drink a minimum of 3 - 4 litres of fluid a day, but by about 2PM I’m starting to feel quite sick (unusually today, I have been to the loo 4 times - nothing spectacular or alarming - but just a lot of visits). I’ll manage a meal in the evening, but by 8, I’m ready for bed. This is quite new for me as I used to be awake until 10; I’m just wondering if this nausea is having an impact in this area. Any advice/help would be much appreciated. I’ve laid my routine bare as some of you may think this is why I get nauseous. Thanks all and I do hope you’re coping with your IBS and our current situation regarding the virus.

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Baenav profile image
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20 Replies

I'm so so sorry Baenav you are feeling like this, I understand 100% as this is how I felt every single day, it's very wearing. My heart goes out to you.

I've not tried hypnotherapy for it but went on the low fodmap diet back in January this year, it's made a huge difference to me. A tip for the nausea, have you tried travel sick tablets, they work for me. I use the Boots own Motion Sick Tablets, ideal obviously for travel sickness as well.

I honestly can't see a problem with your diet but what does help me is going without breakfast. I've practiced the 16 hour fast and it certainly helps my IBS.

Thinking of you.


Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to

Hi Alicia, it was so kind of you to respond so quickly - I was asleep by 8 last night, so apologies it’s taken so long to respond. I’ve not tried the Boots own Motion Sickness so will give that a go. Xjrs also suggested Rennie Deflatine, which could indicate an issue with gas so there’s something else I could try. I do want to have a look at the hypnotherapy; my partner thinks I’m quite anxious and any little flare up causes the queasiness. This IBS is so annoying; I just wish it was something that could be medically addressed....oh, you mentioned that this is how you felt every day - does that mean that you no longer suffer with nausea? Was it the Boots tablets that helped? How often did you take them? Sorry for the questions; just very keen to address this issue. Paul

in reply to Baenav

Dont worry Paul, I fully understand.

Meditation/yoga would be excellent for being anxious. The Motion Sick tablets are brilliant with me. I have to say though that the low fodmap elimination made a huge difference with me.

I don't get nausea very often now, only when I've maybe eaten too much veg or there's something I've inadvertently eaten ie if something has bran in and I hadn't realised, I'm very sensitive to bran. I was taking the tablets nearly every day before the low fodmap diet, now it's probably only about once a fortnight that I take 2 to 4.

I really hope you start to feel better, the diet was the best thing for me.


xjrs profile image

Nausea is often due to trapped gas. You could test this theory by taking Rennie Deflatine when you feel nauseous to see if it helps. If it helps, it's then a case of finding out why you're getting excess gas.

You could try a good probiotic like Alflorex in case you have a gut bacterial imbalance that is causing this excess gas, to see if it helps. If it doesn't, a FODMAP elimination & reintroduction diet might be in order.

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to xjrs

Hi, thanks for replying. I’ve not tried this before - I now have a couple of options- the other is a boots motion sickness drug, but I will give both a go. I did try Alflorex for 2 months but noticed no significant improvements. I’m on the low FODMAP diet now. I do think this is linked to my bowel movements, but it seems so hit or miss. Thanks again.

JBaird1952 profile image

Hi there, I have tried hypnotherapy my place gave me a recording to listen too everyday and it did alleviate symptoms a lot, I think stress was causing my IBS c to flare up, I have started listening to it again as I’m in a nauseous stage again now. It’s worth a try best of luck to you,

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to JBaird1952

Thank you, I’m prepared to give anything a go in order to address the nausea. In truth, I think I preferred the pain to this.....thanks again

Maureen1958 profile image

Hi, I have tried it twice. Once face to face with a GP (who was a personal friend of my GP at the time) many years ago now. I had two sessions, and she said that was all I needed. She was very nice and believed in what she was doing. I was pregnant at the time (my son is now 28) but I had an horrendous pregnancy and was sick the whole way through it. The first session was not too bad, but the second one I was just trying not to be sick on her very light coloured carpet. Basically is was just relaxing you and telling you you felt fine and relaxed, which I obvously wasn't. The second time I tried Michael Mahoney's CD's. I still have them. They are still available to buy. But again they are just telling you you are relaxed and everything is fine and dandy. As I recall I was walking up a hill. You are supposed to do a bit each day, although a lot of it is just repeats of what you have already done. In the end I got fed up being told I was feeling better when I clearly wasn't. Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear but it may be different for you!

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to Maureen1958

Hi Maureen, thank you for telling me your story. It’s really useful to get a number of perspectives particularly as I’m now ‘by myself’ as the doctor’s and consultants have investigated everything, tried everything and now it’s trial and error. I think I have largely addressed the pain (which I had for 20 years), but it is the bouts of nausea that is troublesome and wearing. Your message implies that hope and expectancy can easily be dashed, and so if I do this, it will be with an open mind. Thanks again. Paul

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to Baenav

Did you try having a go at this, if so how did you get on? See shan24k's message below, if you haven't already seen it!

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to Maureen1958

Oooh, I’d love to learn more about this Maureen.

shan24k profile image
shan24k in reply to Maureen1958

Hi there! Thank you for mentioning Michael Mahoney, I hadn't heard of him, but I looked him up and his research is very encouraging. I wanted to mention the Nerva app that I came across this past week. It is a hypnotherapy app developed by a doctor from Monash University, and they have done a ton of research into IBS. It is very cost effective (when compared to prescription medicines). My son is 16 and suffers from IBS, and I am coming to realize it is triggered by anxiety more so than foods. I am really hoping this program works for him. People do say it is also repetitive but they say that is part of the process. I read that it used to be a lot more repetitive than it is now, but due to customer feedback, they made it less so. It is a 6 week program, and then you can keep using it for maintenance. They have a free 7-day trial. I sound like a spokesperson for them but I am not! lol I am just really hoping it works for us, he just started it yesterday. Here is the link for more info try.nervaibs.com/science-ba...

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to shan24k

Let me know how your son gets on with it. I would be interested to hear what he thinks, as I guess would the original poster, Baenav.

Leo70 profile image

I wonder whether you are drinking too much fluid - you say you drink a minimum of 3 - 4 litres of fluid a day. Surely this is excessive. The aim is to drink 8 glasses of water/liquid a day which is the equivalent of 1.89 litres. Drinking excessive amounts of fluid upsets the sodium balance in the body which can causes nausea.

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to Leo70

That’s a good point Leo70. I found that anything less than 3 litres a day had no effect on my IBS-C. By drinking this amount really helped - with the exercise I can almost guarantee an IBS-C free day. Maybe it is time to cut down a bit and see what effect that has. Thank you for your comments; it has made me think a bit.

Hi did you have upper gut pain. It wakes me up at night. It is just above my waist. Had barium swallow and ultra sound. Driving myself mad thinking it is my pancreas. I have read Ibs pain can be the same as pancreas. Shouldn’t google.

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to

The pain was 2 inches above my naval Jasper21. It went on and on to such an extent (24 hrs a day for a number of years) it made me sweat. I had the barium meal with ultrasound; the diagnosis was a bit inconclusive, but leant towards gastritis. This was confirmed during an endoscopy. I was prescribed ranitidine, the immediate effect was really promising, but the drug was withdrawn. As a result I was moved onto Cimetidine, which had no effect at all. I’m no doctor, but I’d suggest it is unlikely to be the pancreas - your doctor/consultant would have considered pancreatic issues during their investigations. If the pain is accompanied by a high temperature, nausea and diarrhoea you should get back to your GP for further investigations and do that soon. If, like me, there is no high temperature or diarrhoea then chances are it’s something that is not too sinister. I wish I could help further; best wishes and good luck with your IBS.

in reply to Baenav

Thank you it worries me because it wakes me up and google says pancreas died when lying down! No temperature or diarrhoea. Got into panic mode. As I said ultrasound, barium and bloods all normal. No appetite probably through anxiety. Hurts when I walk. Does yours. Thank you for replying

Baenav profile image
Baenav in reply to

No, it doesn’t hurt, but I know it’s there. It can be noticeable when I exercise but nowadays the pain has gone and it more of a dull ache. If it is anxiety, then you are probably in the same state as I was. I have adjusted my diet (plus I drink a fair amount of fluid every day, although I’m told possibly too much) and thankfully, the pain has subsided (pizza, wheat, milk, broccoli, pan-au- chocolate were bad for me; avoid like the plague now) - regrettably, chocolate is also antagonistic and gives me a hard time too, so......this is about diet. For me, It’s about experimenting with food and making a note of what affects you....and avoiding it.

Baenav profile image

Thank you, I’m going to try the tablets and have a bash at the hypnotherapy......I’ll report on how I do. Paul

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